Editorial: The Newspaper

After reading his obituary in a newspaper, Mark Twain, said, “Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” The same is true of newspapers. For the past several years, many have been predicting the “death” of newspapers, but nothing could be further from the truth—especially when speaking of local newspapers like The Dillon Herald.

Editorial: Register To Vote

The deadline to register to vote is Saturday, October 2nd—one month before the general election. If you are not registered to vote, now would be a good time to do so. If your information is not current, this is an excellent time to get it updated.

Editorial: You Decide

It’s disappointing that the Dillon County Democratic Party chair, Clarence “Sonny” McRae, didn’t think enough of your local newspaper than to hold them out of the first half of a protest hearing that could have a significant impact on the leadership of our county.