Category: Clubs

Meeting reports and activities of Dillon County’s clubs and organizations

PHOTO GALLERY: Magnolia Garden Club Hosts Veterans Day Program In Latta

The Magnolia Garden Club hosted a Veterans Day Program in Latta on Saturday morning in Latta’s Veterans Park.

DAR Meets

On September 12, 2017, the group met at the Dillon Wellness Center with fifteen active members from Dillon, Lake View and Florence, for the first meeting of the year.

PHOTO GALLERY: Junior Charity League Holds Fall Festival

The Dillon County Junior Charity League held their annual fall festival on Monday night at the City of Dillon Wellness Center.

Help For Veterans Holds September Meeting

Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.

Pilot Club Meets

The Pilot Club of Dillon met on Thursday, September 28, 2017.

Corey Jackson Leads Glove And Trowel Garden Club In Fall Flower Arranging

On Wednesday, September 12th, the Glove and Trowel Garden Club of Dillon met at the home of Ellen Jordan at 3:30 for their first meeting of the new year with 19 members present .

Chris Daniels To Speak At Fall Historical Society Meeting

The Fall Meeting of the Dillon County Historical Society will be Thursday, September 21.

Magnolia Garden Club Plans Year Of Involvement

The Magnolia Garden Club of Latta once again plans an interesting and involved year of programs and activities with the first meeting on September 7.

Pilot Club Discusses Calendar

The Pilot Club of Dillon. met on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

4-H Membership Drive Underway

September 1 is the kick off date for the 2017-2018 4-H year!