The Ditch Bank Series

These photos are the result of a photo project by local photographer Art Shealy called the Dillon County Ditch Bank series.

Latta Facing Big Decisions Due To Required Water And Sewer Line Relocation

The Town of Latta is facing some serious decisions created by the state requiring them to relocate water and sewer lines at Highways 301 and 501 at a cost of approximately $700,000.

BMW Expanding Plant In Spartanburg

BMW today announced that the company will expand its plant in Spartanburg County. The $900 million investment is expected to generate 300 new jobs. BMW also commemorated a production milestone today – 2,000,000 vehicles since the company began U.S. production in 1994.

RIF Day Rings In New Year

Students at South Elementary recently rang in the new year during RIF Day.

Ruby W. Carter To Be Honored With Award

Vision Educational Center, community partners and supporters will honor Mrs. Ruby Woods Carter with the MLK Lifetime Achievement Award on January 16th.

County Gas Usage Reported

With the fluctuating gas prices, many citizens may wonder how much gas/fuel is being used by our government agencies.

GAL Volunteers Can Bring Hope And Optimism To Children

Hope and optimism are the hallmarks of a new calendar year. We make resolutions and set goals that we will try to attain in 2012.

Married Couple Re-enlists

Staff Sgt. Andre Footman of Durham, N.C., and Sgt. Britney Footman from Dillon, both assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Special Troops Battalion, Task Force Resolute, hold up their right hands as Capt. Kimberlynn Hunter, HHC commander, during a re-enlistment ceremony held on Kandahar Airfield Jan. 1

Will Grice Retires From HOS

Will Grice has retired from Herald Office Systems. A dinner was held in his honor on January 6th.