Hope and optimism are the hallmarks of a new calendar year. We make resolutions and set goals that we will try to attain in 2012.
Children in foster care hope for safe and permanent homes. Some South Carolina children, like “Josh,” will see their hopes realized in 2012.
Two years after being physically abused by his mother’s boyfriend while trying to protect his younger sisters, Josh will be adopted. As an 8 year old, Josh had seen and experienced things that no 8 year old child should ever have to see or experience. Consequently, he had problems that required attention. Many professionals helped Josh but it was his volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) who was the one consistent influence in his life. Social workers changed; therapists changed; foster parents changed. All the while, his GAL visited him regularly, advocated for him through written reports to the Judge at court hearings, and monitored to make certain he was receiving the services he needed.
Over time, Josh made progress. He was happy to see his sisters adopted. He was able to visit them regularly. But when the time came for a family to be found for him, there were disappointments. For one reason or another, it never seemed to work out. Again, the GAL was there to comfort and encourage. Then, an amazing thing happened:
The family who adopted his sisters and who had come to know him through sibling visits realized that they needed a son. So in 2012, this now 10 year old boy will be reunited with his sisters. All three children will be safe in a permanent home. The volunteer Guardian ad Litem who was there from the beginning will be at court to watch Josh’s hope come to fruition.
Foster children hope for forever families, but unlike goals we set for ourselves, they have little if any control over whether their hopes become reality. You can help abused and neglected children achieve their goal by being a volunteer advocate.
You can make certain they are not merely names in the system but rather individual children with needs and wants and dreams. You can be this voice for children by becoming a volunteer guardian ad litem. A guardian ad litem (GAL) is a specially trained member of the community who is court appointed to serve children who enter the Department of Social Services’ (DSS) protection.
As you set goals for 2012 consider becoming a GAL. It may be the best New Year’s resolution you have ever made! You can help Dillon County children find safe, permanent homes by becoming a volunteer Guardian ad Litem. The next free, 30 hour training starts February 13, 2012. Call Brian Mercer at 774-5973 for more information on how you can be the voice of an abused or neglected child.
The Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program is a member of National CASA. www.nationalcasa.org.
GAL Volunteers Can Bring Hope And Optimism To Children
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