Tag: Recipes

Libby’s Recipes: Crockpot Roast

Here is yet another slow cooker recipe. This one I made Monday of this week and Keith went back for seconds- yeah!

Libby’s Recipes: Country Apple Dumplings

My friends Laura Beaver and Lois Flowers brought me these apple dumplings following my surgery- yummy.

Libby’s Recipes: Tennessee Treats

I made these Tennessee Treats last week, and they went over quite well.

Libby’s Recipes: Orange Glazed Pecans

This week’s recipe is an old favorite from my childhood. And it is, of course, easy.

Libby’s Recipes: Pineapple Casserole

I am planning to make this pineapple casserole…It’s a little different from the one I usually make in that this one calls for brown sugar.

Libby’s Recipes: Jezebel Jelly, Orange Slice Candy Cake

Both of these recipes are from my sister. The jelly she makes and the cake is a specialty of one of her friends.

Libby’s Recipes: Cooked Carrots

This recipe is from my niece Krista Allen. It is one of her favorites from her grandmother Kaye Perkins of Tennessee.

Libby’s Recipes: Ham Casserole

A new recipe: Ham Casserole

Libby’s Recipes: Orange Fruit Salad

This recipe comes from my sister and is so simple you don’t even have to boil water- my kind of recipe.

Libby’s Recipes: Pistachio Pudding

This week’s recipe is a favorite of my nephew Jeff Huggins- and I am partial to it, too.