Tag: Letters to the Editor

Letter To The Editor: Tax Dodging?

I once wrote about G.E. with their slogan that I loved. It said “At General Electric Progress is our most important product.” Now G.E. is in the headlines again! Our country is asking everyone to help with shared sacrifice to cope with multibillion-dollar budget deficits. Everyone must do their part by giving up some essential programs. Some say G.E. the global conglomerate has made tax dodging its chief business.

Letter To The Editor: County Council Got This One Right

Even without the “Corridor of Shame” reference in the I-73 support resolution, it’s hard to imagine how the County Council would ever consider giving its support to this fiasco.

Letter: Association President Calls On Fellow Chiefs For Assistance

Our meeting is scheduled for July 7th at 7 PM at B&C Steakhouse. I ask you to make plans to attend or have someone there in your place. Our attendance has dropped off, and we need people who can represent and speak on your department’s behalf.

Letter To The Editor: Is America Broke?

We in America must do better to equitably distribute its wealth income. This will happen when we make the wealthy pay their fair share to balance our budgets and our huge deficits. America always cries broke.

Letter To The Editor: Americanism and the Elite Few

I think Americanism for regular people is to go to school- get a job. Try to save your money, to get a car. Some try to buy a house. If you work and live our USA will look out for us with social security. These regular citizens make up 98 percent of our population (poor and middle class).

Letter To The Editor: Foster Care

Across South Carolina, children from all walks of life are in the foster care system due to neglect or abuse from their parents or guardians. Every day we seek safety and permanency for these children be reuniting them with their parents, relative adoption, adoption by someone outside the family or relative custody/guardianship.

Letter To The Editor: Father

I write this letter in honor of my father, Wilbert Nickoless, who loved me, his first son.

Letter To The Editor: Mega Dump

As a citizen of S.C. for 32 years, I know I’ve got the right to speak about our lands, water and air when it’s being threatened. This giant corporation called MRR wants to bring garbage to S.C. from the whole east coast for 35 years or until the dump is full. Some citizens don’t realize how this hurts us as people of S.C.

Letter To The Editor: Mothers

I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate mothers on this week after Mother’s Day 2011.

Letter: Theatre Needs Support For Final Performance

We need your help! With your support, The Dillon County Theatre has brought yearly seasons of live entertainment to our stage for some twenty years.