Fellow Chiefs:
Our meeting is scheduled for July 7th at 7 PM at B&C Steakhouse. I ask you to make plans to attend or have someone there in your place. Our attendance has dropped off, and we need people who can represent and speak on your department’s behalf.
At present, we cannot conduct business because members who are coming say they cannot vote since they are not the chief, and while I understand their point, I hope you see why we need someone who represents your department be present so we can carry on business. If you cannot attend, have someone to attend in your place and that person can represent your department. We need to move forward in the fire service.
I believe we can lower the ISO Rating to a 7 across the county without doing anything but training together. I believe we can make this happen as a team by working together, hand in hand, helping each other. We need each other and the citizens need all of us working together for them.
This letter has been e-mailed to those on my e-mail list and mailed or faxed to the station chiefs. Feel free to pass the word to those listed above. Let’s make sure that everyone is aware of the meeting and that someone from each department is there.
Larry Cox, President
Dillon County Chiefs Association

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