Category: Bill Lee’s Columns

The musings and memories of the late W.C. “Bill” Lee, a retired teacher, a professional photographer, community volunteer, columnist for The Dillon Herald, church officer and pianist, and one who served in other leadership roles. His wit and wisdom are truly missed, but can be re-lived in this series of columns.

Matthew 25:40

Those who enter certain respected and exclusive professions, notably the ministry, are sometimes said to have been ‘called’ by God to perform their duties, but there are others who meet this criteria of being called or set aside for their work.

A Story With Three Chapters

Chapter One:  I learned of my new friend’s illness from his daughter who works in a local business.

A Dream Come True

Avenger. It was a word that he liked to say, a word that was a part of his boyhood dreams.

Sunday Morning Excitement

“… And God created… every living creature that moveth…” and proclaimed it good. Genesis 1:21
Accepting His sovereignty unconditionally, I will admit, however, that I and many others do not have unconditional respect for all of His creation.


I remember once reading the description of a lost puppy described as having just one eye, a bad limp and an advanced case of the mange.  He went by the name Lucky.

The Versatile English Language

There is no universal written language although English comes close.  I say ‘written’ because there is definitely a language that can be understood by almost anyone anywhere in the world.  


Do you know someone who seemingly will go to any extreme to get off a good practical joke?  

A Berry Good Tomato Grower

I am not a professional gardener, but in the past I have had a hand at planting/maintaining/harvesting gardens of different sizes, from one with several rows of various vegetables including tomatoes to my current garden, three clay pots near my home for easy watering.

A Library With A Famous Pedigree

Andrew Carnegie who became one of the richest men in the United States in the early 1900s has a connection with Dillon County.

Dillon Middle School

Last year I toured the then new multi-million dollar Dillon Middle School and in a Herald column made the  comment that its presence was a far cry from what the national media unfortunately had once portrayed it to be, a part of the state’s Corridor of Shame.