Annual Estimated Cost Of U.S. Crash-Related Deaths Is $41 Billion

Motor vehicle crash-related deaths in the United States resulted in an estimated $41 billion in medical and work loss costs in a year, according to state-based estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Half of this cost ($20.4 billion) was in 10 states, the report says.

Eastern Carolina Community Foundation Awards Grants

The Eastern Carolina Community Foundation awarded two grants for a total of $20,000 during their annual meeting held earlier in May announced Susan Bankson, Executive Director.

Public Hearing Held On Redistricting Plan

A public hearing on the Dillon County redistricting plan was held on Wednesday at the Dillon County Council meeting.

Former Marine Wins Inaugural Rifle & Gun Club Military Service Rifle Match

It has been said “Once a Marine, always a Marine,” and it has also been said that “Every Marine is a rifleman.”

Report Finds Global Smokers Consider Quitting Due To Graphic Health Warnings On Packages

Health warnings on cigarette packages prompt smokers to think about quitting, according to a 14-nation study. Effective warning labels as a component of comprehensive tobacco control can help save lives by reducing tobacco use, said a report released by CDC.

Strong Storm Passes Through County

A strong storm passed through parts of Dillon County on Saturday bringing high winds, heavy rain, and marble to golf ball sized hail.

Steve Anderson Speaks To AARP Chapter

The Dillon Area Chapter #5336 of AARP, Inc. met on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Council for the Aging with eighteen members and one guest in attendance.

Swimmer’s Ear Responsible For Nearly Half Billion In Health Care Costs

Swimmer’s ear leads to about 2.4 million doctor visits each year and is responsible for nearly $500 million dollars in annual health care costs, according to estimates released by CDC recently.

CDC Identifies 10 Public Health Achievements Of First Decade of 21st Century

The major public health achievements of the first 10 years of the 21st century included improvements in vaccine preventable and infectious diseases, reductions in deaths from certain chronic diseases, declines in deaths and injuries from motor vehicle crashes, and more, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.