MINUTES: Latta Town Council-January 2023 Special And Regular Meeting Minutes

Taken from the Latta Town Council minutes from the January special and regular meetings of the council

Special Meeting Of the
Latta Town Council
January 12, 2023
7:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a special meeting on January 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Councilwoman Melinda Robinson, Councilman Brad Coward, Mayor Teresa Mason, Councilman Abbott Shelley, Councilwoman Lizzie Crawford, and Councilman Jarett Taylor. Mayor Mason called the meeting to order, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and offered prayer.
Councilman Marcus McGirt was absent.
Councilman Taylor made a motion to amend the agenda to discuss the issue of CareSouth with the sewer and it was seconded by Councilman Coward.
VOTE: Councilwoman Robinson-nay, Councilman Coward-aye, Mayor Mason- aye, Councilman Shelley-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-nay, and Councilman Taylor-aye.
Councilman Coward stated that CareSouth rents the building from the town, and they had a sewer issue. It is the town’s responsibility to get the sewer fixed. CareSouth has a plumber that they use, and the plumber went down there and said it would be between $6,000-$8,000 to replace the lines. It was an emergency situation, and it was flowing in the building. I (Coward) just want the citizens to know that it was an emergency situation, and action had to be taken today. Councilman Shelley asked if it had been fixed, and Councilman Coward said they are working on it right now. Councilman Coward said that CareSouth pays the town $2,000 a month in rent, and if the bill is $6,000 then CareSouth will not pay the town rent for three months. Councilwoman Crawford asked Coward that didn’t he think it should have been brought up to council and the citizens as a body before doing anything about it. Councilman Coward said that we can table it and talk about it in executive session. Councilman Taylor said that it is over $1,500 and it needs to be brought up to the whole entire council.
Motion was made by Councilman Coward to trade rent at CareSouth in lieu of the town paying the bill. The motion was seconded by Councilman Taylor.
VOTE: Councilwoman Robinson-nay, Councilman Coward-aye, Mayor Mason-aye, Councilman Shelle-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-nay, and Councilman Taylor-aye.
The council then went into executive session to discuss financial concerns and employee matters.
Motion was made by Councilman Taylor to go into executive session, seconded by Councilman Shelley.
VOTE: Councilwoman Robinson-nay, Councilman Coward-aye, Mayor Mason-aye, Councilman Shelley-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-nay, and Councilman Taylor-aye.
Council may take action on matters discussed in executive session.
After the executive session, Mayor Mason stated that the council was out of executive session, and no votes were taken.
Motion was made by Councilman Shelley to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Coward.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Latta Town Council
Budget Workshop Meeting
January 16, 2023
5:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a budget workshop on January 16, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
The following council members where present: Councilwoman Melinda Robinson, Mayor Teresa Mason, Councilman Abbott Shelley, Councilman Marcus McGirt, Councilman Brad Coward, and Councilman Jarett Taylor.
Councilman McGirt called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Mason offered prayer.
Councilwoman Lizzie Crawford was absent.
Mayor Mason went over some spreadsheets with the council about the budget. The council discussed salaries and how much payroll costs for each department. Mayor Mason said that they have roughly $300,000 left to pay gas, utilities, and credit cards. They went over the revenue expenses and different vendors. The council discussed different things about different vendors so some of the council can understand the town’s vendors.
Mayor Mason explained her findings on looking at the bank account and bank statements and where she said bills haven’t been paid in a few months.
Mayor Mason stated she needs to sit and talk with Town Clerk Rebecca Page and ask her about some of the bills so she can get the budget and figures complete.
Councilwoman Robinson stated that Mayor Mason needs to sit with Rebecca so they can go over some of the bills and see what has been paid and what needs to be paid. Councilwoman Robinson said she would like to be there when Mayor Mason met with Rebecca, and they set a date for Friday, January 20, at 3:30.
Motion was made by Mayor Mason to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Coward.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Regular Meeting of the
Latta Town Council
January 19, 2023
7:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a regular meeting on January 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Councilman Jarett Taylor, Councilwoman Lizzie Crawford, Councilman Abbott Shelley, Councilman Marcus McGirt, Mayor Teresa Mason, Councilman Brad Coward, and Councilwoman Melinda Robinson.
Councilman McGirt called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilwoman Crawford offered prayer.
Councilman Taylor asked for a motion to amend the agenda to includean executive session to discuss an administrative issue and finances. He said what they discuss maybe subject to vote afterwards. The motion was seconded by Mayor Mason.
VOTE: Councilman Taylor-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-nay, Councilman Shelle-aye, Councilman McGirt-nay, Mayor Mason-aye, Councilman Coward-aye, and Councilwoman Robinson-nay.
Councilman Taylor made a motion to go into executive session, seconded by Mayor Mason.
VOTE: Councilman Taylor-aye, Councilwoman Crawford- nay, Councilman Shelley-aye, Councilman McGirt-nay, Mayor Mason-aye, Councilman Coward-aye, and Councilwoman Robinson-nay.
After coming out of executive session, Councilman McGirt said there were a few things that they needed to vote on.
Councilwoman Robinson made a motion that Councilman McGirt be added as a check signer for the town accounts. The motion was seconded by Mayor Mason. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Councilman McGirt made a motion to add Mayor Mason as a fourth signer to the town accounts. The motion was seconded by Councilman Taylor. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
A motion to accept the minutes from the December 8, 2022, meeting was made by Mayor Mason and seconded by Councilman Taylor. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Mayor Mason made a motion to accept the minutes as written from the December 20, 2022 meeting, seconded by Councilman McGirt. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Vote On Paying Mayor
Mason’s Attorney Fees
Councilman McGirt explained that Mayor Mason wants to be reimbursed for her attorney fees from the election. Mayor Mason’s attorney fees are $5891.13. Councilman Shelley said that the town attorney gave them an amount that was way less than this. Councilman McGirt stated during the discussion that night with the attorney it was $2500-$2600 less than this amount at this time. Councilwoman Robinson suggested that we get back with the town attorney to see why the cost went up. She suggested they table this until they could get the town attorney to give them a better understanding why the amount went up.
Mayor Mason said that this is not all her attorney fees. These are the attorney fees accrued by the town because the town went against state law. State law states that the election should have only been in the election previously, and they opened it up for everyone. Her lawyer gave warning that this was going to happen if they don’t change it, and they didn’t change it so she proceeded with a lawsuit. Councilman McGirt stated that the night the attorney came and spoke with the council that he stated that if they agreed to have Mrs. Mason’s name as the only name on the ballot she would drop it. If someone else wanted to run they would be just a write-in and that’s what the council did.
Councilman Coward said he looks at it as everyone has to pay their own lawyer fees when they go to court. If the town lawyer’s advises us that we have to pay the lawyer fees then they have to pay them. He said they don’t have any extra funds to be paying lawyer fees. Councilwoman Crawford stated that she agrees that they should talk to the town attorney, and Mayor Mason stated the fees have been paid.
Motion was made by Councilman Coward to table this until they talk with the town attorney and get some advice. The motion was seconded by Councilman Shelley. It was unanimously approved by roll call of vote. Mayor Mason abstained.
Vote On Town Clerk
Councilman McGirt read the town ordinance for the town clerk/treasurer. The clerk/treasurer is elected for a one year term. Motion was made to continue to keep Rebecca Page as town clerk/treasurer, seconded by Councilman Coward. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Vote On Judge
Councilman McGirt read the town ordinance for the judge. The judge is selected for not less than two years but not greater than four years.
Councilman Coward made a motion for Judge Janette Dupree to be the Judge/Clerk for the court beginning in April 2023 for four years, seconded Councilwoman Robinson. (Note: April is when the term of the current judge, Attorney Alan Berry, expires.) It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Representative for
Trash Truck Demo
Mr. Hall explained to everyone that they supply the town with the trash truck, and they have one ordered for the town. They have the body for the truck, but are waiting on the chassis. He drove a bush truck for demo for anyone to look at, and it would help the street department workers to pick up debris throughout the town. Councilman Coward stated that it could haul more, and it would take one person to run. This would free up the other person that could be put somewhere else where they were needed.
Department Reports
Street Department
Willie Grice stated that his report is about the same, and the truck would be very useful for the town. It would free up a person to use somewhere else.
Clerk Report
Rebecca Page didn’t have anything to add to her report.
Court Report
Janette Dupree didn’t have anything to add to her report.
Police Chief’s Report
Chief Zane Bryant didn’t have anything to add to his report.
Park and Rec report
The Park and Recreation report was put report in the council boxes. The director wasn’t present.
Council Reports
Councilman Taylor
Councilman Taylor said he knew they have a ditch blockage on Bamberg Street, and they are trying to get some help with that from the state. He has been asked from LRC (Latta Revitalization Commission) about the contract, and Councilwoman Robinson stated that the attorney was asking about the dates on the contract and the dollar amount. We will check with the attorney and get an update on it.
Councilwoman Crawford
Councilwoman Crawford thanked everyone for coming out tonight and the town employees. She thanked to the citizens for bearing with them as they try to get the town up to par. We do the best we can do and continue to come and support your town.
Councilman Shelley
This is a code book for the town, and as of Monday night, we do not have a code enforcement for the town. Shelley said he had Corky Lane approach him and said he would volunteer for free to be the code enforcement.
Councilman McGirt
Councilman McGirt thanked everyone for coming out. He commended the Police Chief tonight and said there are a lot of positive takes about you and your department.
He thanked everyone for what they do. He thanked all the council for their leadership and said it gets tough at times but he likes who he works with and that he loves each of them because they bring strength to this council that is needed. We all have the best interest for Latta.
Mayor Mason
Mason said to please note on the lawsuit that if the council would not have gone against state law, she would not have had these attorney fees. Referring to a poster she had in front of her, she said what you see tonight on this poster is true. There is 12 million dollars out there, but if we can’t come together as a town and work together, we can forget it.
Councilman Coward
Coward thanked everyone for coming out tonight. Willie (the street department director) has been working really hard getting ditches cleaned out before any storms come. Coward has been working with DOT to get some potholes in town fixed and some street signs replaced. Councilman Taylor and Coward went to talk with Hanna Engineering about some projects going on with the town. Thank Mr. Moore if you see him for all the work he is doing at the park and rec. He said he is trying to get eat on the street and bring some positive stuff to Latta.
Councilwoman Robinson
Councilwoman Robinson thanked everyone for coming out, and everyone for being concerned about your town. She said thehave all been working on individual things, and we are going to work together for the betterment of the town.
Stormy Thrasher: I live right around the bridge on Bamberg and Highland Drive. I am a little concerned about the bridge on Bamberg Street. There is a hole, and it used to have a cone so no one will fall in the hole.
Norris Barr-Mack: I think there is some information being worked on for annexation, and I trust the town is working on that. I have a question for the 12 million dollar grant and is it for just water and is this a grant we are applying for? Mayor Mason stated that from what we are told that if we can get our stuff together and straighten things out, we are in line to get this 12 million dollar grant. It’s a state grant.
Kevin Drawhorn: I would ask the council that moving forward when we look at certain things that we look at and pay attention to ordinances. If we change things make sure we change the ordinances. The way I see this is we need someone here that can run the day-to-day 9-5 in the building, and I want to volunteer my time to be here to help for free.
Motion was made by Mayor Mason to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Taylor. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

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