American Legion and VFW members came together at the VFW Post Home to conduct a flag retirement ceremony at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 10/15/2022.
American Legion and VFW member Lloyd Brown was the ceremony commander. Veteran Thom Thompson served as the sergeant-at-arms and Veteran Jim Chavis was the ceremony chaplain.
The Dillon High School JROTC with Army Sergeant First Class Randy Gray, and Girls Scout Troop #1203 with Troop Leader Miriam Hayes all attended and participated in the program.
The purpose of the ceremony is to promote flag etiquette and talk about the importance to always honor and show respect for the American flag – The Living Symbol of Our Great Republic.
Ceremony Commander Lloyd Brown opened the program and welcomed everyone to the flag retirement ceremony. He introduced the Veterans participating in the program, along with the Dillon High School JROTC, and the Dillon Girls Scouts of Troop #1203, and explained their individual roles in the ceremony.
At this flag retirement ceremony, 20 worn and/or faded American flags were retired from further service with honor and respectfully destroyed. Each flag was retired in memory of a deceased military Veteran and, as the Veteran’s name was announced, Veteran Pam Moore tolled a bell in memory of the Veteran. Family members of the honored Veterans were present, and members from the community also attended the ceremony. The worn and/or faded flags were first inspected by Veteran Chris Norris and Army Guardsman Donnie Hayes to ensure they were actually unserviceable, and then the flags were ceremoniously held over a fire pit by Norris and Hayes as they yielded their substance to the fire and were destroyed with honor and respect. The surviving grommets of the flags will be recovered from the fire pit and fittingly buried separately. During the ceremony, Veteran Harry Moore carrying the American flag, Veteran Tommy Hayes carrying the VFW flag, and Girl Scout Avery McKenzie carrying the American Legion flag, paraded and posted the colors. The program included reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the playing of taps.
Retired Flags Memorials:
John H. David Army KIA 03/01/1918
Eli Williamson Army KIA 04/22/1943
Laval Malone Parham Army KIA 09/15/1944
Michaux Turbeville Army MIA/KIA 12/01/1950
Luther Bethea Marines Deceased 08/16/1968
Katherine Sue Moore Navy Deceased 12/01/1982
James A. Thompson Army Deceased 02/24/1997
Boyd Robert Graham Army Deceased 12/11/2005
Anthony Chad Owens Army KIA 02/01/2006
Bob Lane Army Deceased 01/01/2010
Vernon Bo Lane Army Deceased 11/01/2010
James L. Mitchell Air Force Deceased 11/17/2011
Robert E. Snyder Marines Deceased 11/02/2015
Jimmie E. Daniels Army Deceased 08/26/2016
David Greene Army Deceased 11/08/2016
James Donald Wright Air Force Deceased 09/11/2018
James Leslie Air Force Deceased 01/08/2022
Bobby C. Jacobs Navy Deceased 03/12/2022
Edward Joseph Walsh AF & Army Deceased 03/28/2022
Johnny T. Sawyer Marines Deceased 09/29/2022
A 21st unserviceable American flag was retired and respectfully destroyed in honor or in memory of all other Veterans who have served under our flag while protecting American values both at home and abroad. In speaking to the audience, VFW Commander John Harlow said, “Let these faded and worn flags of our country be retired with honor and destroyed with respect by fire. And may they be replaced by bright new flags symbolizing our great republic. Let no grave of any Veteran be un-honored and may the graves of all Veterans be appropriately honored with bright new American flags.”
Both the American Legion and the VFW make Americanism an important part of their citizen education programs to teach about the United States Constitution, military service, and flag etiquette. Both Veteran groups take the time to teach their fellow Dillon County citizens about Americanism whenever there is the opportunity.
Persons wanting to know more about how to display and respect this living symbol of our great republic – the American flag, are directed online to www.usa.gov/flag. Collection boxes for worn and/or faded flags are located inside the city/county building on Main Street Dillon, outside the American Legion Building, and at Latta Veterans Park.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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