Mount Calvary Baptist Church held the Awanas Closing Ceremony on Sunday, May 30, at 6:00 p.m.
Rev. Harold Cooke opened the services with prayer and brief announcements.
Keith Coward, Awanas Club director, was the emcee for the event.
Everyone involved with the Awanas instructs the children about Jesus.
Coward thanked everyone for their participation in the Awanas, and he thanked the church family for the commitment to the Awanas Club program.
Awards were presented.
Awana Closing Ceremonies
Landry Walters – participation certificate
Colton Campbell – participation certificate Meredith Campbell – certificate and Honey Comb book completion ribbon
Lexi Jackson – certificate and trophy for completing Hang Glider book
Nolan Barnes – certificate and trophy for completing Hang Glider book
Gabby Kirven – certificate and trophies for completing Wing Runner book and Sky Stormer book
Eli Meekins – certificate and trophy for completing Sky Stormer book
Benton Bethea – certificate and trophy for completing Hang Glider book and review sections, 3rd place ribbon for points
Kase Coward – certificate and trophy for completing Wing Runner book, review sections, and review book, 2nd place ribbon for points
Avery McKenzie – certificate and trophy for completing Sky Stormer book, review sections, and review book, 1st place ribbon for points
Sparks Awards – all 3 book completers receive a Sparky plaque and pin – Gabby Kirven, Eli Meekins, and Avery McKenzie
Maddy Miller – certificate and trophies for completing Ultimate Challenge books 1& 2
Chayse Walters – certificate and trophies for completing Ultimate Challenge book 2: Carson McKenzie – certificate and trophy for completing Grace in Action book, Alpha medal for completing all silver and gold sections, and 3rd place ribbon for points
Jude Mew – certificate and trophy for completing Agents of Grace book, Alpha medal for completing all silver and gold sections, and 2nd place ribbon for points
Edeigh Walters – certificate and trophy for completing Evidence of Grace book, Alpha medal for completing all silver and gold sections, and 1st place ribbon for points
T&T Awards – Timothy Award is given for those students who complete all 4 T&T books – Maddy
Miller and Chayse Walters
Victory Award – is given for those students who complete all Awana Bees verses, 2 Cubbie books, 3 Sparks books, and 4 T& T books – Maddy Miller and Chayse Walters
At the conclusion of the service, Rev. Harold Cooke briefly spoke to the congregation.
An invitational hymn was sung followed by the Benediction.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church is located at 405 Mount Calvary Road, Dillon.