Doris Gleason Speaks To Help For Veterans

Doris Gleason

Doris Gleason

April 20, 2017 Meeting
Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the HELP FOR VETERANS, INC. meeting welcoming all in attendance.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lloyd Brown and members of the Dillon Branch of the American Legion for the use of the Legion Hall for the meeting.
Seventeen persons/members present for the meeting.
Chairman Daniels gave a prayer to begin the meeting.
Members said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price were recognized and thanked for providing guests with coffee and chocolate éclair cake.
Chairman Daniels introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Doris Gleason, of Pawley’s Island. Mrs. Gleason is Director of Community Outreach for AARP.
Mrs. Gleason opened by stating that she had a special place in her heart for veterans. She has received AARP’S National McKoy Award for her work with veterans. Mrs. Gleason talked about how veterans are being assisted in Horry County. Mrs. Gleason reported that 175 homeless veterans received help in Horry County last year. Mrs. Gleason added that shoes, socks, and underwear were needed items for homeless veterans. Mrs. Gleason stated that women veterans are now showing up with children in need for assistance.
Member Lloyd Brown ask Mrs. Gleason about the ages of the veterans her organization is assisting in Horry County. Mrs. Gleason replied that most were Vietnam-Era veterans.
Mrs. Gleason recognized City Councilman Johnny Eller and said hoped that he and other councilmen would get involved.
Councilman Eller asked Dillon County Veterans Affairs Officer, Jerry Huggins, if there were homeless veterans in Dillon County. Huggins replied that four to five a month ask for assistance, and they are referred to E.C.H.O.
Various members ask Mrs. Gleason about what type of assistance is available to her organization. Mrs. Gleason stated that private donations accounted for most of the assistance. Lloyd Brown advised Mrs. Gleason about Home Depot’s assistance and contributions.
Chairman Daniels thanked Mrs. Gleason for taking time out of her busy schedule to attend the meeting and for her very informative information.
The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was made and approved.
Jerry Huggins stated that providing transportation to and from VA clinics and hospitals as a priority, but the van was taken away due to a lack of van drivers.
Councilman Eller stated that the city and county might be able to offer some assistance and that he would do his part by bringing the matter before both councils to see if they could assist in this issue regarding a van and a driver.
Huggins reported that as of last month two persons had contacted his office about being a volunteer driver.
Huggins stated that the Veterans Affairs Office required volunteer drivers to also provide a copy of personal liability insurance. Councilman Eller stated that an employed driver might be the best option in this matter.
Member Barbara Causey inquired about the possibility of having an information booth at the upcoming annual City of Dillon “Celebrate Main Street” event to better inform the public about the organization. Chairman Daniels said he would consider this idea.
Chairman Daniels ask that if anyone had any questions or ideas to help to please contact him.
There was one correction made to the March minutes about the tickets the American Legion were offering. It was reported that one ticket gave the holder 12 chances to win a high quality firearm.
That should be corrected to an incredible 52 chances to win. Anyone interested in this offer should contact Lloyd Brown or any member of the Dillon Branch of the American Legion.
Chairman Daniels stated the next meeting will be on May 18 at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 2014 Hwy. 9 East, Dillon.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

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