Latta Town Council: May-August 2015

Regular Council meeting of the Latta Town Council

May 14, 2015 7:00 PM

The Latta Town Council held a meeting at 7:00pm on May 14, 2015.

The following were present: Council members Shelley, Taylor, Mason, Williams, Drawhorn, and Reaves. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, led by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Bullard was absent.

April 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Councilman Drawhorn made the motion to approve the minutes and Councilman Shelley seconded.

Employee Confidentiality Agreement

No changes were made to the Employee Confidentiality Agreement. Councilman Taylor said he felt comfortable with it and didn’t see any changes that needed to be made. Mrs. Janet Byrd said that the goal is not to limit information but to make sure the information given is correct. The Employee Confidentiality Agreement is to make employees aware of the need to go through proper channels before disclosing any work related information. You have people giving out part of the story and all the employee confidentiality agreement is asking that you go through the proper channels to get the correct information.

Councilman Taylor made motion to accept the Employee Confidentiality agreement, and it was seconded by Councilman Williams.

Councilman Drawhorn said that the agreement was too vague. Council Mason asked how was it too vague. Councilman Drawhorn said under the Freedom of Information that you shouldn’t be trying to hide. Councilwoman Williams said that Mrs. Byrd was explaining that only part of the story maybe getting told instead of the whole story. Councilman Drawhorn said he doesn’t agree with the agreement, but he thinks that employees should be able to express their opinion. The citizens have a right to know what is going on in town; and, in his opinion, the employees should be able to tell them. Councilman Shelley said that he feels that if a citizen asks an employee what they are doing and what is going on that the town employee should be able to tell the citizens what is going on. Mrs. Byrd gave the following example: Mr. Brigman approaches you while you are working on the water and asks you what is the problem with the water, or Mr. Brigman approaches you while you are working on the water and asks you what is the going on in the Water Department. These are two different types of questions. When asked the second question, an employee would need to tell Mr. Brigman to talk to the supervisor of the Water Department. Mrs. Byrd used an example that if Mr. Brigman came along and asked what you working on the water, is different than him saying what is going on with the water them that’s when you would say you I don’t know you need to talk to my supervisor.

Councilman Taylor, Shelley, Reaves, Mason, and Councilwoman Williams said aye and Councilman Drawhorn nay.

Executive Session for Employee Matter

Motion made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley.

No decisions made, no votes were made

Department Reports


The lots around town need cutting and he (who is he?) said he had talked with Wanda (who is Wanda), and they charge $50 a lot or an acre to cut the vacant lots around town. He cuts some lots on Henry Street and Munn Street. The only lots he cuts are empty lots. The lots have to be cut with the bush hog. Curt thinks with the increase of gas and everything else the price should be raised for cutting vacant lots. Councilman Drawhorn said that if a contractor is cutting or trimming someone’s yard in town the contractor is supposed to pick up and haul off the yard trimmings. The street department has one mower that is working. The Park and Recreation Department used the Snapper mower and ran it with no oil in it and it blew up the motor on mower. The other mower I put in the shop and it was $304.21 to fix. Two weeks later we had to put back in the shop, and it was $334.24 to repair. The deck on the lawnmower is completely deteriorated, and it will cost $14,000-$15,000 to replace the deck. I have received three estimates for new mowers. The quotes are: $11,700 for a Kubota, $8,500 for a Dixie chopper, and $14,000 for a Snapper. The Dixie chopper is a new 2013 with an 8% discount; however, it has to be paid in full within 45 days.

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor to purchase a new mower and seconded by Drawhorn.

Raise price on vacant lots to from $50 to $75.

Motion Made by Councilman Drawhorn and seconded by Councilman Shelley. The new prices are $75 per acre for vacant lots and $50 for additional acres.

Derrick Cartwright said that the town is going to go into a lawnmower service cutting at a low price and Councilman Taylor agreed.

Motion to table raising price on vacant lots.

Motion made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Williams. The motion was tabled. Leave at $50 dollars an acre until further discussion.


Jimmy received a quote to repair both restrooms in front of the park from Dan Byrd; it will cost $1,774 to redo both. He (Dan Byrd?) did some work to the community center and did a good job.

Latta has a total of 29 teams that are franchised and roster.

The all star games are quickly approaching. Last week I received a call from Melody Carmichael, the State Director for the Dixie Softball inquiring if Latta would be interested in hosting the 12U Ponytails. I said I would be glad to.

This Friday June 2, 2015 we are having Cub Scouts camping in the park. Saturday from 9-1. We will be at the high school. everyone is invited to come out. (huh?)


Chief Moore read her report. She has two officers at the police academy. Springfest was peaceful and quiet; there were no problems. Officers have been at the range for training. In 2005, Mr. Bobby Powers had two officers on duty at all times for back up; you never know what is going to happen.


Judge Dupree read her report.

Fire – No report

Clerk – No report


Nine water leaks and one sewer problem at the 917 pump station have been repaired this past month. The Edward Street pump station is running. It can pump up to 480 gallons per minute, but it has been turned down to 280 gallons per minute. We received a lot of rain the other day, and we had to close the road at the end of Edwards Street onto Marion Street where the manhole was recently closed; the pump station couldn’t keep up with water.

The backhoe is down; it is will cost $1900 dollars to repair the front end.

Willie made a comment on the stray dogs in town. Councilman Mason said the Water and Sewer Department shouldn’t be getting dogs; the Street Department should be catching dogs.

We are currently charging $2,000 dollars for RV dumping at Wilco and Flying J’s. He wants to look at raising the price on dumping because all of the RV dumping is going into 917 pump station. That is why we are having a lot of trouble with 917 pump station. Floats for the pump stations are $150 a float and, there are six floats in 917 pump station.

Dan Blackman has a 1986 pump truck that he is trying to sell for $14,000. Five years ago he charged the town $231 an hour to use the pump truck.

At the sewer pond, we currently have three aerators down – two big ones and one small one. Per an estimate, it will cost $22,000 dollars to repair them all.

The pipe has been ordered to fix the ditch on Bamberg Street that runs to Main Street. As soon as the pipe comes in, work will begin.

Willie has spoken with Rob Watson from Ferguson about the cost for replacing the hardware for the old handheld water meter. It will cost $10,000; a credit of $4,800 will be given for the old system. It takes Marlboro County six hours to read meters; it used to take us six days.

The ten year warranty on the radio read meters will soon expire. It will cost approximately $100 for a new head and meter. There are approximately 890 accounts; it will cost $89,000 to replace all meters. Mr. Watson suggested doing one book at a time; we have four books. There are 250 broken meters in town; the cost to repair these meters is $10-$13 each. When the radio read system was purchased from Marco in Marion County, it came with the map for Marion County. It will cost $7,000 to purchase updated maps for Dillon County. Willie explained that we do not have to have the map updated. Councilman Taylor was a little concerned about the $7,000; he asked Willie to invite Rob Watson to attend the next meeting to provide more detail to the Council.

Council Reports

Councilman Shelley – No report

Councilman Drawhorn

Councilman wants to know when the Zoning Committee is going to meet. Councilman Taylor will let him know.

He thanked the employees for the work they do and thanked the citizens for coming out.

Councilwoman Williams

Thank you to the citizens for coming out.

Councilman Reaves – No report

Councilman Mason

Councilman Mason presented an update on finances. The Revenue account has $96,513, the General funds account has $89,045, and the Park and Recreation fund account has $11,078. These are the three main accounts we are using to make payments. We are still waiting to hear from the government about the 1981 cushion fund. It has about $22,000 in it, and we are waiting to see if we can pull it out. We have three accounts that we are putting about $2,000 in every month – two cushion funds and a depreciation fund.

Mayor Bullard paid off the 1981 cushion loan when he took office. He is

When Mayor Bullard took office, he paid off the 1981 cushion loan, and he is making sure that we don’t need the money any more for that loan so he can move the money to general funds where we can use the money. (not sure of meaning)

The situation is working out pretty good; we are paying bills hopefully sometime this year. We will have everything caught up and peba (no idea). We are paying everything as best as we can.

Administrator Report

This year’s audit has been received. We are working with Webster Rogers and hope to have a budget in the next few weeks.

The city of Dillon has helped us with Springfest. They came over and swept the streets. Glenn Wagner, the City Manager, said they would help us out if we need machines.

Mr. David Shelley from the Latta Revitalization Committee asked Councilman Taylor about historical signs through town. The signs are roughly $800 each, and there are 30 signs in town. The LRC set aside $8,000 for signs, and they were going to purchase ten signs with their money and purchase more each year. Wayne George said it was a DOT project. He called DOT, and they said they would get back with us. He suggested that the town do a fundraiser, like a Chicken bog, to raise money for signs. Amanda Morrell from the Historical district is get with me on that. As of right now, there are 20 signs to purchase.

Attorney Ben Zeigler contacted me about six days ago; he represented the town last year around spring about the 1981 loan. SRF has contacted him. They have had issues with Latta in the past and want him to see if he can help us with our finances. SRF has contacted him again; they believe we may be having the same problem again. Mr. Zeigler said he may be able to help save the town some money and to help with the cash flow. Mr. Zeigler found a bank that would pay off both bonds and pay off the IRS. He would like to set up a time he can come and talk to everyone about it. We will have a meeting May 19, 2015 to discuss paying off loans with Mr. Ben Zeigler.

Who-So-Ever- Will

Kristy explained that they attended an event, and Crystal Moore received an award. She wanted everyone to know that a lot of people think a lot of Latta.


Special Council Meeting of the Town of Latta

May 19, 2015 7:00 pm

The Latta Town Council held a special meeting on May 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The following were present: Councilman Reaves, Mason, Drawhorn, Shelley, Taylor, and Councilwomen Williams. Councilman called the meeting to order, led by the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.

Rob Watson from Ferguson

Rob explained to council the maps on the new radio read system do not have to be upgraded which would cost around $7,000. When the new meters get installed, it will only take about two hours to read the meters in town. Councilman Taylor asked if new system will detect that a meter was skipped. Rob answered yes; the system will let you know. It has a running tally; as it is read, it will count off. Councilman Mason asked if training will be provided if we buy the system. Rob said yes, they would do the training. The hand held that the Town presently uses is on its last leg; with the package, the Town will also get a new handheld for the meters.

Councilman Mason asked did he have a motion to purchase software for $10,118. Councilman Taylor made the motion and was seconded by Councilwoman Williams.

Councilman Drawhorn asked if there was money to do the software upgrade, Councilman Mason and Councilman Taylor answered yes, the money was set aside last year.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Ben Zeigler

Mr. Zeigler has been talking with Councilmen Mason and Taylor about a General Obligation bond. He made a few phone calls, and Carolina Bank has the best rate at 4.5% for $230,000 for 10 years – $170,000 will go to the federal government and the remaining $60,000 in a reserve for items that may come up in the near future or to pay off the bond early. Assuming you bought or sold this bond at the best rate quote at any casual survey of banks issued on June 1 for the term of 10 years at 4.5% your total debt service would be $29,000 a year and using a sum bill value of $2700-$2800 a year for inquisition of about 10 mils a year.(no clue) Mr. Zeigler has come up with a General Obligation, Bond Series 2015, of the Town of Latta and it is as follows:

For ordinance we will have the first reading this evening and at least six days from tonight have a second reading. Then we will be able to close this bond within 60 days of the second reading. Councilman Taylor stated with the repayment schedule to the IRS, the Latta taxpayers are looking at paying $60,671 just in interest every ten years for the tax payers in Latta. This IRS problem started in 2011; this town has already paid $83,000 in fines, taxes, and interest. With this bond we can apply for federal grants and federal aid; we can’t right now because we owe the federal government.

Councilman Taylor made a motion for the first reading and Councilman Reaves seconded.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Ben Zeigler

Different type of ordinance bond with improvements to the water system through issued bonds.

In 2011 we had two outstanding bonds: 1981 was issued to rural development and a 2000 bond was issued to the state revolving fund. Two years ago Mr. Ziegler started getting calls from the DHEC State Revolving Fund. There was concern about the finance performance of Latta’s waterworks and sewer system relative to the debt of your sells. At the time, $175,000 was outstanding in bonds, and they were concerned. Mr. Zeigler has spoken several times with Mayor Bullard and Joe Powell. They have decided to pay off the 1981 bond. There are now two outstanding bonds: the 2011 bond held by Rural Development and one held by the State Revolving Fund. SRF seems satisfied with this.

The balance of the 2000 SRF bond is about $115,000.The State Treasury has a reserve bond in the amount of about $33,000. The Town would borrow $82,000 and add the $33,000 to pay off the $115,000 bond. There was discussion about adding two years to the bond which will make the payments less. The savings would be about $9,000 the first year and $11,000 the next four years. If the bond payment is extended by two years, there would be $13,000 in savings; there would be a savings of $28,000 against the old payment.

There is an ordinance that will allow the Town to issue a new bond of $82,000 to be used to pay off the old bond. The new bond will be repayable in seven years at the rate of 3%. This will give the Town between $10,000-$12,000 cash each year.

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Drawhorn. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council

Other business

William Blakely’s business license has been suspended. There have been complaints from citizens in town. Mr. Blakely has not completed the work on several houses in town; some citizens were not satisfied with the work in some houses he completed. The council agreed to give him a 45 day business license to fix the problems that the citizens are complaining about. If he doesn’t fix the problems, the town will revoke his license.

The meeting was properly adjourned.

Special Council Meeting of the Latta Town Council

May 27, 2015 7:00 pm

The Latta town council held a meeting at 7:00 pm on May 27, 2015.

The following was present: Council members Shelley, Taylor, Mason, Williams, and Reaves. Mayor Bullard and Councilman Drawhorn were absent.

2nd reading on General Obligation Bond

The general obligation bond is going to pay off the IRS taxes that have not been paid. We will have a little extra if we need it for something else.

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

2nd Reading on $120,000 waterworks and sewer system refunding improvement revenue bond

This is the bond that is being financed at a cheaper rate. We will have to pay on it a few more years. We will pay $1,000 more a year in interest, but we get $6,000 for cash flow we can use through the years. This will get us away from the SRF loan.

Councilman Taylor made a motion to pass and Councilman Shelley seconded.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Other Business

Councilwoman Williams said it was brought to her attention that some veterans want to know the procedure for placing bricks in Veterans Park. They would also like to help put out flags.

Council will ask some of the veterans to come to the next council meeting.

The meeting was properly adjourned

Regular Council Meeting of the

Town of Latta

June 11,2015 7:00pm

The Latta town council held a meeting on June 11, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The following were present:

Council members Shelley, Mason, Drawhorn, Reaves, and Mayor Bullard.

Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance then prayer.

Minutes for May meetings

The Town Hall has been experiencing a lot of computer problems and the minutes will be in the next regular scheduled council meeting.

Department reports

Police department

The police department had 136 moving violations, 30 warnings, 105 reports sent to SLED, and 12 warrants served. We had an officer, Matt Cox, to graduate May 29, 2015 from the academy; he is now back with the department. We also have a certified officer, Jason Turner, who has taken Jackson Winkler’s position. They are having some problems with the body camera that the officers have so Derrick Cartwright is checking to see what kind of warranty comes with the cameras. She apologized for the Town not having flags out prior to Memorial Day. The guys from the water and street departments came in and put them out on Memorial Day. There also have been several people asking about the Veterans Park and wanted to know if there was a veterans committee. If so, they would love to be a part of it. Some people wanted to know who is in charge of the bricks you can purchase and have their names placed in Veterans Park. They would need to talk to Rich Kopituk or Joe Griffin.

Council Mason read Councilwoman Williams resignation letter to everyone. She received her oath as County Magistrate on Saturday June 6, 2015; her resignation from Latta Council was effective June 8, 2015.

Court Report

Due to surgery, Judge Dupree wasn’t present to read her report, so Chief Moore read her report.

Street Report

Curt Miller asked the Council what decision has been made in regards to the charge for cutting the vacant lots in town. The Council has decided to increase the price of a one acre vacant lot from $50 to $75. Curt also asked about the abandoned houses around town; some owners are letting the grass grow four feet or higher. He is not able to pick up these piles. In the ordinance it says that if is too big for one person to pick up then it is not to be removed. Curt talked to DHEC and everything is supposed to be chipped up at least one inch or smaller.

Charlie Brown from Dillon said someone is putting trash in the dumpsters at the Recycling Center; and if they continue putting it in there, we will not be able to pick it up anymore.


We have replaced six water leaks and replaced two rotate ass. At 917 pump station but we still need to replace rotate ass. At 301 pump station. The chlorine hose was replaced at the water plant. (what is a rotate ass.? Not sure where the periods should be!)

The water and street department are working together to get the town looking better, and they have started trimming trees in town. There is a tree on Rice Street that needs cutting down, but it is too big of a job for the Town to do. We have asked for three bids, but as of right now, we have only received one bid. The bid is for $1,350 which includes cutting down the tree and cleaning up. Councilman Mason said that if there are no more by Monday afternoon go ahead and let them cut it down because it is a danger to the home owners and to the town’s waterlines, sewer lines, and the roads.

The water towers will be inspected this month; they are a month behind schedule.

There are three aerators down at the pond, and Dillon County is paying to have them replaced.

Councilman Mason had asked Willie Hooks to get an estimate from Mike Hannah for new water and sewer lines at Academy Street Park. The rough estimate would be between $13,000-$18,000 to put in a septic tank with two pumps and to pump to the sewer lines in back.

Fire Department

no report – on vacation

Rec Department

He (Who is he?) was unable to attend but put a report in everyone’s box.

Jimmy is looking to see if he can get a cheaper building for the recreation, and he has until June 18, 2015 to get his estimates in.

Clerk Report

Rebecca Page had asked for Dragon 13 software to help with her work, so she can start on some of her other duties. Councilman Drawhorn accepted and Councilman Shelley seconded. It passed by vote of council.

Council reports

Councilman Shelley

We need to come up with a committee to replace streets or a list of streets that need paving.

Parking space lines need to be replaced on Main Street.

917 is a state road and you have to get permission to paint lines on their roads. Also, the water lines need to be replaced before paving the roads.

Councilman Drawhorn

The trees look good throughout the town, and he feels that the park needs to hire someone through Olsten to help out at the park.

Councilman Reaves

It was good serving with you, Mrs. Williams, and you will be missed.

Mayor Bullard

He asked for some kind of financial report.

He asked Willie and Curt about the ditch on Bamberg, and they said they are in the process of getting it redone.

Councilman Mason

The 1981 Cushion Fund loan has been paid off. Since the loan has been paid off, the remaining $26,000 has been transferred to the general funds. The 2011 Cushion Fund has about $23,000 and the Depreciation Fund has $117,000.

We were contacted by Francis Marion University. The Town donates a $1000 from the Community Center Fund to a Latta Graduate. Councilman Drawhorn made a motion and Mayor Bullard seconded. It was passes by vote of council. (Some info seems to be missing – original below)

We was contacting from Francis Marion and the Town donates 1000 dollars from the community center fund and it goes to a Latta Graduate. Councilman Drawhorn made a motion and Mayor Bullard seconded. It was passes by vote of council.

Who-So-Ever- Will


Regular Council Meeting of the Latta Town Council

July 9, 2015 7:00 PM

The Latta Council held a regular meeting at 7:00 pm on July 9, 2015.

The following were present: Council member Reaves, Mason, Shelley, Taylor, Drawhorn, and Bullard.

Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, led by the Pledge of Allegiance, and prayer.

Minutes from Regular Council Meeting May 14, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Minutes from Special Council Meeting May 19, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Minutes from Special Council Meeting May 27, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Minutes from Regular Council Meeting June 11, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Minutes from Special Council Meeting June 25, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Reaves.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Minutes from Special Council Meeting July 1, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Reaves.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

Town Auditor, Al Munn

The financial statements of the governmental activities, the business type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Latta have been audited. Mr. Munn gave all the council an Annual Financial Report for the year ending June 30, 2014. The Town of Latta’s assets in the Governmental Activities includes everything but water and sewer. The Business -type activities is only water and sewer. The total net assets for the town increased by $222,089 (about 7.539%) from $2,945,959 to $3,168,048. The increase was caused by a decrease of $62,995 in net assets of governmental activities and an increase of $285,084 in business type activities. The total revenue for 2014 was $2,247,495 and total expenses were $2,025,406. On the governmental activities spent $62,995 more than was taken in; however, you took in $285,084 in water and sewer was take in. That is a net change of$222,089. Program Revenues are expenses from public safety, public works, culture, and recreation; the town spent less then they took in. Schedule of findings and response for the year ended on June 30, 2014.

During the testing of water bills, it was discovered that Town Council Members who received water service from the Town were given a reduced rate for water usage. The Town Council corrected this item immediately upon notification.

The accounting records for each of the major and minor funds are being co-mingled in the same set of books. No longer are the accounting records separate and independent. Governmental and Enterprise Funds are to be separated for accountability as soon as possible.

The size of the town’s accounting staff precludes having certain levels of accounting expertise to prepare financial statements with full note disclosures. Therefore, assistance will still be required in preparing the statements with full note disclosures.

The movement of funds between funds is not being recorded properly. Whenever funds are moved between funds, an entry is required in each fund involved to record the transaction. Efforts are being made to correct this matter.

Not all of the bank accounts are being reconciled properly. This is due to the posting of incomplete or summarized information in the General Ledger with respect to deposits. The services of Webster Rogers, LLP, CPA has been engaged to assist with routine accounting matters.

2nd Reading of the Budget

Made a change to the water meter budget to $31,000

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Drawhorn.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Department reports

Street Department

The Sanitation truck and the Street Department truck are down, but we hope to have both running next week.

A tree was cut down on Rice Street, and everything looks good.

The lady at 108 Dew Street wants her ditch bank cleaned out but doesn’t want her bushes cut in her yard.

Police Department

There are two police cars that have police bars; all the police cars will eventually have the light bars, new sirens, and cameras. Florence County is giving the Town all of these items.

Water Department

The water department fixed eleven leaks this past month and a water tap.

There are two estimates for the tree on Dew Street to be cut down. Watson’s will cut down the tree and clean up everything for $1000. (see below)

The RIA grant is coming up on September 15, 2015. In order to apply for the grant, you must have a plan already together and the total cost. I need approval from council to get with Hanna Engineer to get everything together. With the RIA grant he wants to fix 917 and 301 pump stations.

Motion was made by Councilman Shelley and seconded by Councilman Taylor.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

The water department is going to start putting in new customer service lines next week.

The tree on Dew Street needs cutting and need Councils approval for Watson’s tree service to cut tree down for $1,000. (Is this not a repeat of up above?)

Motion to get tree cut down on Dew Street was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Mayor Bullard.

It was unanimously approved

Municipal Reports

Judge Dupree read her report

Park Report No report

Fire Report No report

Clerk Report No report

Council Report

Administrator Report

Water bond – we have roughly $33,000 in our state treasurer fund that we are going to put on the $120,000 loan. The Town will not have to take a loan out for $120,000; it will be roughly $87,000.

I have talked to Richard Gaddy today about the Fire Department. I don’t think we should charge them $400-$500 a month for the building. Richard thinks the county already pays the light bill which they will continue to do.

Councilman Shelley

Councilman Shelley asked Willie about the old building behind Jim Ellis’. He wanted to know when Larry Jones was coming to inspect it; Willie said Mr. Larry was coming next week.

Councilman Shelley also stated the lot that belongs to Chris Bethea is looking bad and the grass needs cutting. He does not want to get another letter from Chris.

Councilman Drawhorn

Thanked employees for everything

Councilman Reaves No report

Mayor Bullard No report

Councilman Mason

Currently in the General funds account we have $132,603 and $108,493 in the Revenue account. There are probably current checks outstanding in each account – about $20,000 in each account.

The RIA grant paper work has been sent to Columbia with everything they ask us to provide.

Carolyn from the CDBG grant came, and we provided her with bank statements, copies of checks, etc. Both grants should be closed shortly.

Who-So-Ever- Will

Motion to Adjourn

Motion was made by Mayor Bullard and seconded by Councilman Drawhorn.

It was unanimously approved by roll call

Special Council Meeting of the Town of Latta

June 25, 2015 7:00 pm

The Latta town council held a special meeting on June 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

The following were present: Councilman Taylor, Reaves, Shelley, Mason, and Mayor Bullard. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, led by the pledge of allegiance and prayer.

Councilman Drawhorn was absent.

Administrator Taylor

According to Webster Rogers July 2014-June 2015 profit lost from last year to what they had. Next thing is profit loss from July 2013-2014.

We have looked at the actual numbers from budget didn’t match up.

Changes made to budget:

Municipal Repair – $20,000 decreased to $15,000; only $5,600 was used the previous year

Communications – $8,000 decreased to $7,000; only $5,200 was used the previous year

Insurance – $50,000 decreased to $48,000; have been spending $41,000

Administration Salary – $50,000 decreased to $20,000 – no longer have clerk/treasurer position

Administration Retirement – decreased because of no clerk/treasurer position

Group Health – decreased to $8,500

$1,000-$2,000 removed from budget due to budgeted items that are no longer needed or used

Last year’s budget – $1,911,490.88

This year’s budget – $1,880,105.88

There is roughly $30,000 overage

Payroll Taxes cut $2,300

Fire Department

The county has talked about taking over the fire department, and we are waiting to her back from them. The town would give them the building, and they would take over service for the fire department. The town would keep one fire truck so in the future if the town wanted the fire department back they would have a truck. The county will rent the fire truck for $1 or a small amount. We will also keep $5,000 in the fire budget in case extra funds are needed.

Street Department

Street Fuel was $17,541 and we budgeted $15,000

Street Salary was $57,000 and took it down to $43,000

Repairs have been $10,000 or less – left it at $10,000.

Motor Fuel Sanitation- up $1,200 from last year, remains at $4,700

Sanitation Salary – $27,000.

Expense Sanitation Repairs – July 13-June 14 – $12,500 budgeted; $637.78 spent

Park and Recreation

Dixie Youth Budget – $10,000; $5,000 spent

Expense Repairs Budget – $8,000; $5,586.28 spent

Trees in Park Budget – $100

Haunted Forest Budget – $1,500

Fireworks 56400- not budget exp paid by not budget would be fireworks and going to set a $1,000 on them.

Sewer Salaries Budget – $97,000; went down to $85,000

Contract Labor Budget – $24,000 and going to add 54101 for street and add $24,000 for contract labor.

Sewer Employee Group Health Budget – $17,000; went up to $25,000

Printing Fees went up to $1200

Sewer Electric Budget – $90,000


Special Project 82222 – $46,700

Budget and water engineer consultant 82850 didn’t have anything on budget so $46,000 for county Ria engineer fees.

81891 on sewer chemicals we spent $11,881.25 budget at $8,000and then went to $11,000.

Sewer communication 81200 spent $5657.62 and budget it at $6,000,DHEC requirements was budget ofO,sewer expo repair budget it at $25,000. The county give us money around $291,000. Sewer audit 81950- was at 62,500 and in the past two years less than $11,000, Sewer analysis 81871- we went with $47,000 and sewer accounting $11,000.

Water 82150- water employer group health last year spent $16,000 and had budget of$25,000 so we went down to $18,000.

Sewer Unemployment Expense is 0 and kept it as is for now.

Street Payroll Tax 54130 – 0 but budget it at $8721,

Sewer Payroll Tax is 0 but budget it at $14,800

Water Payroll Tax is 0 but budget it at $14,800.

Water Retirement Budget – $15,000

Water Expense Repair Budget it at $50,000; last year was $55,000.

Water Meters budget is $30,000 but $67,800 is needed for radio read equipment.

Motion to extend until we get a balanced budget.

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Reaves.

We will have meeting Wednesday July 1, 2015 at 7:00pm to continue with the Budget.


Special Council Meeting Of the Town of Latta

July 1, 2015 7:00 pm

The Latta Town Council held a special meeting on July 1, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The following were present:

Councilman Taylor, Shelley, Mason, and Reaves. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, led by the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Councilman Drawhorn and Mayor Bullard where absent.

The budget for all payroll, insurance, and retirement is a total of $930,292.78; half of the budget is for salaries for employees.


Budget for police salaries – $300,000 reduced by $15,000. The budget for eight officers and two Chiefs is now $285,000.

Municipal buildings – $15,000 lowered to $7500.

General insurance – $48,000 lowered to $43,000.

Code Enforcement salary – $2500. Since Dillon is doing all the permits and inspections, this item is being deleted from the budget.

Dillon County has voted to take over the fire department. We are leaving $5,000 in the budget for the fire department. Communication for fire has been spending $1,147, but we didn’t budget it.

The 51980 needs to be moved to the Community Center budget; it has a $1,000 for supplies.


If you work with the Police Department, you have to work 28 years to get full retirement. Street And Water Department employees must work 30 years to receive full retirement. Councilman Taylor is looking into seeing if some employees may want to talk out for 401k. He is trying to save money for the town. The town pays in retirement for employees. If they leave and do not roll the retirement into another retirement plan, all the money the town has paid into the employee’s retirement is gone.

Police Retirement 53110 – $35,000 to $32,000.

We need to take out for 53120 – auto expense – police.

The street employee salaries – $45,000 increased to $47,000.

The sanitation salaries – $27,000 increased to $40,000.

Sanitation expense repair – $15,000 decreased to $5,000.

Park and Recreation

Insurance – $2600 decreased to $500 – this has never been used.

Season pass Exp. – $600 lowered to $100.

Adult Softball – $1,400 decreased to $500.

Repairs – $8,000 decreased to $6,000.

Local Hospitality and Accommodation Expense

Hospitality and Tourism related expense – $10,000 decreased to $2000.

Hospitality tourism related expense was at $8,000 gone down to $5,000, what is different from one directly above?

Accommodation capital outlay – $9,000 decreased to $5,000.

Executive Sessions

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Reaves and unanimously approved by role call vote of Council to enter Executive Sessions to discuss an employee matter.

No votes were taken during executive session.


Motor fuel – $13,000 decreased to $10,000.

Salaries – $85,000 cut by$15,000 to $70,000.

DHEC requirements in the past didn’t have a budget, so we put $1500 for that.

Sewer Training – $750 increased to $1500.

Sewer engineer consultation – $17,500 decreased to $5,000.

Sewer analysis – $47,000 decreased to $45,000.

Sewer chemicals – $8,000 increased to $10,000.


Motor fuel – $15,000 decreased to $10,000.

Water salaries – $87,000 decreased to $70,000.

Water meter parts etc. 82391 – $30,000 increased to $91,000.

1st reading of the new budget

Motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Shelley. It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

There being no further business, the meeting was properly adjourned.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

Regular Council Meeting Of the Town of Latta

August 13, 2015 – 7:00 pm

The Latta Council held a regular meeting at 7:00 pm on August 13, 2015. The following were present: Council Member Reaves, Mason, Shelley, Taylor, Drawhorn and Bullard. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, led by the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.

Minutes from Regular Council Meeting on July 9, 2015

Motion was made by Councilman Drawhorn and seconded by Councilman Taylor.

It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.

Shawn Bethea on Stop the Violence

He wants to bring Stop the Violence Basketball Tournament to Latta. Mr. Bethea wants to show the community and people that everyone can get along and bring good things to the community to make it better.

Patrick Brown

Mr. Brown works with nCourt, South Carolina’s Full Service Electric Payment Partner, where you can pay your court payment or water bills over the phone. They would create a website to fit the needs of the Town. If you pay on line or over the phone, the payee will be charged 7%; in Town Hall, the payee would be charged 3%. You can go to www.incourtdemo to see how nCourt works.

Michael Paige sewer problem

The sewer program has been taken care of.

Tom Dees

He was upset that he was robbed and a battery was stolen out of his yard. He feels the police should patrol every house not just write tickets for speeding or DUI.

Congratulations to the 10U Girls

The Town Of Latta wants to congratulate the 10U girls for being the Dixie Youth Champions. The town gave the coaches a plaque and one to hang one up in the community center.

Department Reports

Park Report

The Park and Recreation is now taken applications for football and cheerleading. We are having a mini football camp this Saturday from 8:30 am-2:30 pm at the football field at the park.

The town is having a celebration of Champions on September 5th at the Academy Street Park. The Town will serve dinner, have games, and pop some fireworks.

Harbor Freight looked at the community center, park, gazebo, and other things around town to see if they could help improve the town.


The Street & Water Department has been working on ditches around town.

Curt has invited Jason Lambert to come to the next council meeting to explain to council how the mulch field is supposed to be maintained.

The break room and restroom at the shop do not have any lights. Councilman Mason suggested he get with Councilman Reaves after the meeting to see what can be done about the electricity in the break room at the shop.

Fire Department No report

Water/Sewer Report

The water department repaired 17 water leaks and replaced three service lines. The water lines on Zelle Street have been replaced and are in service. The fire hydrant on Munn Street has been replaced.

We had six sewer blowouts, and we passed toxicity testing at the oxidation pond.

The town has had most of the unsafe trees cut down but we still have more to get down.

The water towers were inspected, and we have a list of repairs that need to be done.

The aerators have been done, so far all of them are working properly.

Court Report

Judge Dupree read her report. She attended the Municipal Board Administration Association meeting at the Marina Inn at Myrtle Beach. She had asked Councilman Taylor if the town would pay the $165 fees to attend the meeting, and she would pay for her accommodations. It gave her a chance to talk to other judges and clerks that deal with the same day to day operations. She was made aware of one thing that was a hot subject of discussion, and she mentioned it to Councilman Taylor. She felt it needed to be discussed with the council members but didn’t want to discuss in open court. Councilman Taylor said they would discuss the topic at a later date.

Police Report

Chief Moore read her report.

There have been a lot of car break-ins; mainly it has been loose change being stolen.

As of August 11, 2015 we have lost 72 officers in the country this year.

We had a meeting in the fire bay for domestic violence; the laws on it constantly change.

Clerk Report No report

Council Report

Administrator Taylor

Safety Resolution for Town of Latta

Motion was made by Mayor Bullard and seconded by Councilman Drawhorn.

It was unanimously passed by roll call vote of council.

On July 17, 2015, the Board of Zoning and Appeals granted Mr. Trudy Drawhorn right of way for his trainer and Mrs. Linda Bullard variance for her home business.

Thanks to all town employees for helping with the gazebo. They pulled old bushes up, planted new shrubs and painted the gazebo. Derrick Cartwright supplied the music.

Councilman Shelley

When we cut trees down in town can we plant a smaller tree, for example if we cut an oak tree down can we plant a crypt myrtle?

The town has a Tree Committee and we need to get with the committee before we cut down any trees in town.

Highland Drive wants to get a dead end sign put up because people go through and then have to turn around.

The street signs on Main look good; LRC supplied the signs and David Shelley put them up.

Councilman Drawhorn

Harbor Freight looked at the Concessions Stand roof, and we are waiting to see what they are going to do before we fix it.

Councilman Reaves

Asked Tom Dees did they have a neighborhood watch? Mr. Dees said they had one years ago but not anymore. Councilman Reaves suggested that maybe they should get it started again.

Mayor Bullard

Mr. Bullard asked if the town had any financial reports to show him.

Councilman Mason explained that they are in the process of doing Quick Books on-line so you can see how much money is in the bank and what is being paid.

Mr. Bullard asked who is going to do the audit this year. Councilman Mason said Al Munn was going to do it again this year since it is so late in the year. Maybe next year the Council could look for someone else.

Mayor Bullard asked about bonds. Administrator Taylor replied August 25, 2015 is when we are supposed to sign bonds, but there is an issue with a signer so the date may change.

He also asked about the interest from IRS. Councilman Taylor said that everything is still frozen as far as he knows.

Councilman Mason

He went to a rally meeting representing the Town of Latta at the Dillon Wellness Center. Dr. Kirby talked to Councilman Mason about the old Latimer school. There are a lot of things the town could do with the school. It isn’t going to make money, but we could rent out some rooms and bring things to the community.

David Earl Shelley wanted to thank Willie Hooks and Curt Miller for helping with the signs. Tuesday at 4:30 pm Coastal Gas is having a meeting about how to handle propane.

Trustees can be used at the park to free up the street department workers for other duties around town.

Who-So-Ever- Will

A lady inquired about an ordinance for eighteen wheelers in a residential area. Councilman Mason said they had been busy, and they would look into it.

Andy Herring expressed his concern that they don’t have enough equipment to dress out the football players at the recreation field. They have around 60 kids, and they can’t dress but 25 kids. The equipment they received last year was for adults, and it is too big for the small kids.

Curt Miller said that Councilmen Taylor and Shelley wanted him to check on the C&D box. You can put a six foot branch in there and that is it; you can’t put any trash in the box.

Executive Session

No votes were taken nor action authorized.

There being no further business, the meeting was properly adjourned.

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