Zetas Donate Books

Zetas Book 2

Zetas Book

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated of Marion/Dillon counties has partnered with South Carolina author Nikki B. to donate her book “Just Like Me” to local public and elementary school libraries.  The books have been autographed by the author.  The children book tells an inspiring, bold and brilliant depiction of a dyslexic journey through the eyes of Jason, a ten year old student/athlete.  It captures the experiences, struggles and triumphs through his love of basketball as he tries to understand his “differences” throughout his journey in defeating dyslexia.
Nikki B. (a native New Yorker) is a freelance writer whose passion is children’s literacy.  She is an advocate and volunteer at her local resource center for dyslexia.  Her book is based on experiences with her son when he was four years old and learning to read.  She admits that over the years it has not been easy, but together the family worked to persevere in the face of the challenge that faced her son.   Today her son is in high school doing well in school, making the honor roll and enjoying sports.
She enjoys writing. Writing and books have always been her first love.   Her love for writing has led her to pursue writing as a second career.  Nikki B. has appeared at several schools in the Lexington and Richland county area.  She states “I am always so amazed how in-depth and serious the questions coming from elementary students are”.   She wants to challenge all students to do their best and work hard to achieve.
Nikki B. is the wife of Marion native Kelvin C. Belin.  They reside in Irmo, South Carolina.
Through their national Project ZHOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) the Zetas have worked very consistently to present programs to the surrounding communities to include educational excellence, healthcare information, eldercare activities and adopt-a-school.  The Marion/Dillon Chapter has been a strong community minded group since they were charted in 1983.

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