Latta School Board Elects Officers, Discusses Other Business

These are the unofficial minutes of the Latta School Board. They become official upon approval of the board at their next meeting.

The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Latta High School Library. In accordance with S.C. Code of Laws, 1985, Section 30-4-80-(e), The Dillon Herald was notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting. The agenda is also posted in the District Office and on the district website.
Trustees present were Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Linda James, Betty Jo Johnson, Eleanor Powers and Eddie Watson. Vanessa Harrison was absent.
Betty Jo Johnson welcomed all present and Dr. Kirby opened with prayer.
New Trustee, Eleanor Powers, was introduced and sworn into office by Chair Johnson.
Dr. Kirby conducted the election of Board Officers. A motion was made by Eddie Watson and seconded by Eleanor Powers to retain the current slate of Officers that are now serving. They are as follows: Betty Jo Johnson, Chair, Edward Bethea, Vice-Chair and Kyle Berry, Secretary. Vote was unanimous.
There being no corrections or additions to the March 10, 2015 minutes and the current agenda, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
Upon recommendation of the administration, the motion to approve the professional and para-professional contracts as presented for the 2015-2016 school year was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Eddie Watson. Vote was unanimous.


           Donna Taylor presented the status report for February 2015 on the General Fund budget.

           Robert McIntyre presented the 135th Day Report.

           George Liebenrood, Leigh Sloan and Christy Berry gave an update on programs at the Latta High School.

           Larry Legette gave an update on school facilities.

           Dr. Kirby updated Board Members on the District Improvement Plan recommendations.


           Upon Dr. Kirby’s recommendation, a motion to approve the hiring of Sara Bailey, April Harrison, Elaine Smith, Abigail Reynolds, Beth Terry, Holley Edwards, Ciara Bethea, Sheila Awe, Shanna Martin and Jamey Nolan and to pre-approve the hiring of Anna Love, Erin Ferguson, Erica Roberts and Stephanie Graves was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Eleanor Powers. Vote was unanimous.

           A motion was made by Eddie Watson and seconded by Linda James to approve two applications for diploma requests. Vote was unanimous.

           There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kyle Berry. Vote was unanimous.

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