Auxiliary Stimulating Early Reading Interest With ‘Grow With Books’ Program

In partnership with the Dillon County Library, the McLeod Medical Center Dillon Volunteer Auxiliary’s “Grow with Books” Literacy Project stimulates an interest in reading at an early age.  
The McLeod Medical Center Dillon Auxiliary “Grow with Books” program received second place in the SC Association of Hospital Auxiliaries (SCAHA) Special Projects to Share in October 2009.
A packet with a child appropriate book, bookmarks, library cards, and “Reading is Fun” literature is given to each newborn at McLeod Dillon.  A letter stressing the value of using the library as a resource is also included.  
“We accepted this as a fundamental project realizing that reading and promoting literacy begins at birth,” said Jan Austin, Project Chairman.  More than 300 babies are born each year at McLeod Dillon.  
“Our goal is to impress upon parents that you can share reading with your baby right away.  Infants respond to your voice and the rhythm of your words.  A love of books is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a child.  Reading to babies and young children helps them develop an early interest in learning to read and generally learn to read more quickly than other children,” said Austin.  “It is rewarding to see the mother’s faces light up when you bring them the packet,” she added.
On April 22, 2015, Auxiliary members devoted time to making additional packets for the upcoming months.

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