Zetas Celebrate Finer Womanhood Week

Marion-Dillon members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated celebrated Finer Womanhood Week with several community-oriented activities. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority whose founding principles are Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood was founded January 16, 1920 on the campus of Howard University, Washington, DC.

The activities began with The Zetas visiting their Lunch Buddies at Gordon Elementary School in Dillon where the character trait discussion for the month was Fairness.  Activities continued with worship service at St. John AMEC Marion for Recognitions based on the founding principles. Zeta of the Year – Clotella D. Crawford(Finer Womanhood), Victoria Belin (Sisterhood), Door of Hope Afterschool Program (Scholarship), and Darin Berry (Service). Dinner and a Healthcare Moment was provided to the Senior Citizens of St. John AMEC.
Other weekly activities were Reading to students  and Volunteering at Marion Intermediate School; Volunteering and working with the staff for the St. Patrick Day Celebration at the Mullins Nursing Center; Easter Arts & Crafts, Exercising and Bingo at the St. James AMEC Senior Connection Program; A learning presentation at the Franklin Home Health Agency; Reading to the 4K class at McGill’s Bundles of Joy Daycare. The celebration ended with the chapter having a Sisterly Love Dinner on Friday evening.  During the dinner the Zetas presented two large baskets of toiletry items (60+) for women to Ms. Sheila Burgess of the Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.   The week of activities is dedicated to the sorority’s National Project ZHOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel).  ZHOPE was developed and approved during the 2008 international convention as the second national permanent service  initiative.  Barbara C. Moore of Columbia, SC, the 22nd International President was instrumental in the development of ZHOPE.
During the last five years the Marion-Dillon Zeta have placed first in the state and in the top three regionally and nationally

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