We’re All In This Together

To The Editor:
As a progressive Democrat you maybe feeling more than a little glum as 2014 came to an end and you might be thinking of what is there to look forward to during 2015, besides a Congress led by that dynamic duo of do-nothing, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell? Or worse, the presidential preening of Tea Party idols, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Yeesh
The story of the November election was not that America went nuts and embraced a right-wing agenda. It’s not even that American has buyer’s remorse over Obama. The simple truth – as those pathetic participation rates attest – is that the public is dismayed, disheartened, and disgusted with both parties, Republican BS aside, the publics complaint with Washington is not about Obamacare or big government, but that our political and economic system no longer works for ordinary people. They see the dream of a middle-class life evaporating for them and for their children.
Even a dog knows the difference between being stumbled over and being kicked – and America’s workaday families not only know they’re being kicked but are kicking back. There was a little-reported silver lining in November’s election results. Majorities tossed democrats to the curb, but much bigger majorities of the same electorate said “yes” to an array of unabashedly populist ballot initiatives.
Voters around the country including in some precincts as crimson red as they come – pulled the liver for things like a – raising the minimum wage; b – banning fracking; c – overturning citizens united; d – getting corporate money out of politics; e – preserving unspoiled wilderness; f – ensuring paid sick leave for hourly workers and more.
There’s also a defiant rejection of what the rich are doing to all the rest of us and a steely resolve that we will not surrender America to them. People in the streets today are out to reclaim and rebuild the all-in-this together society that ought to be and still can be.
Average American,
John T. Nickoless
951 Burnt Factory Road
Bennettsville, SC 29512-2228

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