City Working On Wastewater Project

By Betsy Finklea
It was reported at the September meeting of the Dillon City Council that work would soon begin on Phase Two of the Wastewater project. The hope is to get all the pipe laid and the dirt back in one weekend.
Mike Hanna from Hanna Engineering, the engineer working on the Deerwood Avenue sewer problem, updated the council on the project at the Dillon City Council’s August meeting. Hanna reported that they were wrapping up the initial phase at Deerwood and Main where the sinkholes occurred. The costs were approximately $303,000 to address the problem. Hanna said the sewer from Perdue was very corrosive so the pipes have a protective epoxy coating. He said they had to buy $83,000 in pipe, rent bypass pumps, and road repair was estimated at $25,000. The fuel was provided by the city which lessened the costs.
Hanna said that Phase Two will include from where the cemetery starts on Deerwood towards Jackson Street and included a more residential area. He said the work would have to be done when the Perdue flows shut down. The estimated cost of Phase Two is $205,000. It could take one, possibly two weekends, to complete. Hanna asked for permission to enter into a contract with the low bidder. This was approved by council on a motion by Councilman John Braddy and a second by Councilman Johnny Eller.
Phase Three will include Main Street to the wastewater treatment plant. The estimated cost of this phase is $368,000. The design is not finished yet. Bypass pumps will take 100 percent of the city’s flow during the repair.
All three phases will cost approximately $1 million. Money from the Perdue depreciation account will be used to pay for the repairs.

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