Latta School Board Meets

The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the District Administration Conference Room.
Notices of the meeting were duly exercised and published per school board policy.
Trustees present were: Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Janice Boatwright, Linda James, and Betty Jo Johnson. Kenneth Kitts and Eddie Watson were absent.
Chair Betty Jo Johnson welcomed all present and Dr. Kirby opened with prayer.
Dorian Elizabeth Webster was recognized by the board for having a perfect score on the eighth grade writing portion of the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) test.
Facilitator for the first year teacher induction class Vickie Kirby introduced to the Board the teachers participating in the induction class.
Each teacher addressed their educational background and shared with the Board their enjoyment of teaching in the Latta District.
Induction class participants are as follows: Eva Rappe, Daniel Silvey and Victor Rockhill. Victor Rockhill was unable to attend the meeting.
There being no additions or corrections to the September 13, 2011 minutes, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
Donna Taylor presented the following:
-a status report on the General Fund budget.
-a status report on the Latta Schools Educational Foundation account.
A motion was made by Kyle Berry and seconded by Janice Boatwright to include the Latta Schools Education Foundation audit as part of the school district audit and to charge as such. Vote was unanimous.
The following updates were presented to the Board:
-Jeannie Shelley on special services.
-Larry Legette on the construction projects.
-Theresa Rogers on food service.
-Anthony Whittington on transportation services.
-Edward Bethea on the Latta Schools Educational Foundation fund raising plans.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kyle Berry to adjourn. Vote was unanimous.
(Taken from the unofficial minutes of the Latta School Board.)

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