Grainger Wins Crown

Ava Gracen Grainger was crowned Young Teen United States-World in Houston, Texas Gracen Grainger, daughter of Shannon and April Grainger of Hamer, traveled to Houston, Texas on June 29th for six days to participate in the Teen World Organization’s Teen United States Pageant.
Gracen won the Young Miss Carolina-World State Title in Duncan, South Carolina on March 19, 2011 competing against girls ages 9 and 10 from North and South Carolina. Competition included interview, evening gown and photogenic categories.
Gracen was very excited to have won the state title and to have been asked By National Director Gaspar Cruz to attend the Teen World National Pageant where she was crowned Young Teen United States-World.
The Teen World Title is the fastest growing pageant in the world, and Gracen was honored to be the first titleholder for the younger national division.
The Teen World system now offers girls ages 6-14 opportunities to participate in this internationally recognized pageant system.

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