The Dillon Branch of the NAACP held their annual Freedom Fund Banquet on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at Brandi’s Banquet Hall in Dillon.
The introduction of the Dais and Toastmistress was done by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Cynthia Pernell. The toastmistress of the evening was Mrs. Dorothy Crawford Carmichael.
The Reverend Frankie Thomas, Pastor of Manning Baptist Church of Dillon, South Carolina led the audience in singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing” in joyous uplifting melodious voices. We were led to the throne of grace by Reverend Lawrence Brand, Pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, in Dillon.
Greetings were extended by the Honorable Todd Davis, Mayor of the City of Dillon, South Carolina, Mr. Tonny McNeil, Economic Developer Director for the City of Dillon and Mr. Shawn Johnson, Principal Gordon Elementary School. Other dignitaries included The Honorable Jackie E. Hayes, Representative House District 55; Mr. Archie Scott and Mr. Andrew Graves, County Councilmen; Reverend Delen McRae, representing the Hartsville NAACP Branch; Mrs. Johnnie Luehrs Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Don Luehrs; ministers and spouses.
The NAACP Youth Chapter Oratory Recognitions were acknowledged by Dr. Dante Lewis. Isaac Palmer, II the competition winner, read his essay entitled “What Does Being an American Mean To you/” The second winner India Wright read her essay entitled “Solutions to Youth Problems.” The students received high accolades including impressive plaques for their original deliveries.
The sacred “Call to Memory” was delivered by Mrs. Nina Bradley. The Memorial Candle was lit by former 2nd Vice President John Bradley in reverence of the deceased persons that were loved and whose lives touched those who still labor in the vineyard. Mrs. Bradley was so vehement in her delivery that one could not help but smile as we remembered fondly those of yesteryear.
The speaker of the hour Reverend Ralph W. Canty, Senior Pastor of Savannah Grove Baptist Church Effingham, South Carolina was introduced by Ms. Angel Bethea 3rd Vice President.
The impressive introduction of Reverend Canty, who was well-known to most of the audience reinforced and informed those who were meeting him for the first time the significant contributions in many areas of expertise he has made to his community, to the state of South Carolina and the Nation as well as being the Shepherd to flocks of thousands for decades.
Reverend Canty‘s message was taken from 1 Samuel: 17, David and Goliath. His Topic: “There’s Not A Cause?” The highlights of his delivery were: “You should never permit a Giant to make you feel as if he is bigger than you”! Get a Philosophy and a possessor of intuitiveness.
There is a cause worth crusading for, worth dying for; we can not be complacent, we must be vigilant; we can’t pretend that things are much better now, there is an effort to turn back the clock.
There is a need for a “David” where ever there is injustice. Are all of the vestiges of evil removed? We must work together to improve the lives of everyone in spite of poverty, wealth, educated or uneducated.
“You can’t be like everyone else and be what God wants you to be. Be what you are!
David carried five smooth stones in his pocket because he had done his homework. Goliath had four brothers. Upon his dynamic conclusion, the audience rose to ovation and a resounding applause.
The appeal was given by Mr. Famon Whitfield, Jr. 2nd Vice President. Mrs. Toni Graves, President of Dillon County Branch NAACP presented The Service Awards to Mr. Famon Whitfield Jr. and Past 2nd Vice President Mr. John Bradley. We thank everyone for their prayers, time, talents, overall support and attendance
The blessing of the food/benediction was done by Reverend Lawrence Brand.
Dinner was served, the social hour began, goodbyes were said and thus concluding another milestone in this annual celebration. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Timmie Faulk and Brandi’s Banquet Hall Staff for an enjoyable evening.
NAACP Branch Holds Freedom Fund Banquet
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