By Betsy Finklea
The Democratic Primary for Sheriff of Dillon County is Tuesday, October 17, 2023. Here is a Q & A about the upcoming election:
Q. Why are we having an election for Sheriff in October?
A. An election is being held in October to fill the vacancy left by the death of Sheriff Douglas Pernell on August 7, 2023. The election on October 17th is to determine the Democratic nominee to run in the General Election in November

Q. Who are the candidates in the Democratic Primary?
A. Jamie Hamilton is facing Larry Abraham in the Democratic Primary. Hamilton was the chief deputy for Sheriff Douglas Pernell and is the current appointed Sheriff. Larry Abraham is the former chief deputy for Sheriff Major Hulon and a former jail administrator.
Q. I thought Jamie Hamilton was Sheriff. Why is an election being held?
A. Governor Henry McMaster appointed Jamie Hamilton, the chief deputy at the time, “to serve as sheriff until a special election is held to elect a sheriff and a successor is elected and qualifies.” You can read the entire order at https://www.dillonheraldonline.com/2023/08/19/governor-appoints-james-hamilton-as-sheriff/ .
Q. When is the Republican Primary for Sheriff?
A. A Republican Primary for Sheriff is not necessary. The only candidate to file in the Republican Party is Garrett Byrd, a former State Trooper. Since he is unopposed, a Republican Primary election is not necessary.
Q. I want to vote in the Democratic Primary, but I am not registered to vote. What can I do?
A. To vote in the primary, you would have to be registered to vote by September 17th, 2023, or your application would have had to have been postmarked by September 18th. If you still aren’t registered, now is the time to go ahead and register to vote fot upcoming elections for various offices.
Q. I want to vote in the Democratic Primary, but I identify as Republicans and have voted in Republican in the past. Can I vote in this primary?
A, You do not register to vote by political party in South Carolina. You choose which primary that you wish to vote in.
Q. If I vote in the Democratic Primary, do I have to vote for the Democratic candidate in the general election in December or vote Democratic in future elections?
A. No. In a general election, you are free to choose any candidate on the ballot or can choose to do a write-in. No one will know who you voted for or which party you voted in. You can vote in this Democratic Primary and vote in the Republican Primary in a future election.
Q. When will the polls be open? Is there early voting?
A. Early voting is occurring now at the Dillon County Voter Registration Office, and it ends on Friday, October 13 at 5:00 p.m. After that, you can only vote on the actual election day on Tuesday, October 17th. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m.-:7:00 p.m.
Q. Where are the polling places?
A. The polling places are:
—East Elementary School, 901 E. Harrison St., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Dillon County Fire Station #1, 201 W. Howard St., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—South Elementary School, 900 Patriot St., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Latta Arts Center, 104 NW Railroad Ave., Latta, S.C. 29565
—County Fire Department #6, 3418 Hwy. 34 W., Latta, S.C. 29565
—Lake View Community Center, 106 Richard Temple Blvd., Lake View, S.C. 29563
—Dillon County Fire Station #3, 2203 Hwy. 41 S., Lake View, S.C. 29563
—County Fire Department #4, 1624 Gaddy’s Mill Rd., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—American Legion Hall, 2014 Hwy. 9 E., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Lee Causey’s Store, 437 Bermuda Rd., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Hamer Canaan School, 428 Elkins Rd., Hamer, S.C. 29547
—Oakland Community Center, 2034 Oakland Rd., Hamer, S.C. 29547
—Carolina Church Fellowship Bldg., 4114 McInnis Loop, Little Rock, S.C. 29567
—Little Rock School, 2326 Worship St., Little Rock, S.C. 29567
—Minturn Community Center, 1832 Minturn Rd., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Dillon County Fire Station #9, 1723 Highway 38 West, Latta, S.C. 29565
—New Memorial Temple Fellowship Hall, 2061 Highway 301 S., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Floyd Dale Fire Department, 2944 Burke Rd., Dillon, S.C. 29536
—Old School House, 3811 Highway 41 South, Fork, S.C. 29543
—Dillon County Voter Registration Office, 305 W. Hampton St., Dillon, S.C. 29536
You must vote in the polling place in the precinct where you are registered,
Q. Who are the candidates in the general election?
A. The winner of the Democratic Primary will face the Republican nominee, Garrett Byrd, in December.
Q. When is the special general election for Sheriff?
A. The special general election for Sheriff will be December 19th. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Q. Where can I check my registration, get my sample ballot, find a polling place, and more?
A. Visit www.scvotes, gov for this and other information.