At the July 13th Dillon VFW stated Post meeting, Major General James E. Lockemy swore in the newly elected/appointed 2023-24 officers of Dillon VFW Post 6091. MG Lockemy is a Life Member of the Post, and he was named the installing officer for the ceremony. He was assisted by the Immediate Past Post Commander Harry Moore. During the ceremony, MG Lockemy explained to the group the history behind requiring persons swearing an oath to raise their right hands. He explained that in 17th century England, persons found to willfully perjure themselves would have the letter P (perjurer) branded into their right hand. Upon raising your right hand, the person administering the oath could identify anyone already convicted of lying and who could not be expected to keep an oath. He explained the long history associated with the VFW ceremony to officially install its new officers and how every year generations of Veterans in the Dillon Veterans of Foreign Wars have stood in this very building since its VFW Charter was granted by Congress on April 8th, 1946, and participated in this same ceremony. During the ceremony, MG Lockemy confirmed that the Congressional Charter was in fact present and he required of the Post adjutant to confirm that poof of eligibility in the VFW was on file for each officer. The American flag was advanced to the front and the Post commander touched the flag with his left hand while the other officers lined up to his right and touched the person to his or her left with the left hand. In this manner, each of the officers was connected to this great and beloved symbol of the nation – the American flag. MG Lockemy asked each officer to raise his or her right hand and he administered the VFW oath of office. At the completion of the swearing in, he presented the gavel to the commander and directed him to use it with authority and purpose for justice. Present for the 2023-24 swearing in ceremony and pictured clockwise are Adjutant Jamie M. Hamilton, Junior Vice Commander Timmy Hooks, Guard Jody Stubbs, Judge Advocate Joey Williams, Chaplain Robert Sealey, Trustee Pam Moore, Senior Vice Commander Chris Norris, Commander John Harlow, MG James E. Lockemy, and Immediate Past Commander Harry Moore. (Contributed By John Harlow)

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