By John Harlow
Memorial Day flag team turned out on Saturday, May 21st, to place U.S. Flags on the graves of Military Veterans at Greenlawn Cemetery.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 32 President Terry Hayes and others on the American Legion Flag Team placed an American flag at every grave where a marker indicated – Veteran.
Family members of deceased Veterans may request a military foot marker that is provided at no cost through the Veterans Administration.
For help requesting a foot marker, you can contact the Dillon County Veterans Affairs Officer Valerie Graves (843.774.1427) or visit Veterans Headstones, Markers, And Medallions | Veterans Affairs (va.gov).
It is customary to honor deceased military service members every Memorial Day by placing a small flag at Veteran gravesites.
The Dillon American Legion assembles a team of volunteers each year to help ensure Dillon’s deceased veterans are properly remembered for their military service on this national holiday. Greenlawn Cemetery is one of a dozen cemeteries where the American Legion places flags on the graves of Veterans.