By Betsy Finklea
A National Day of Prayer observance was held on Thursday, May 5th at noon on the grounds of the Dillon County Courthouse.
The theme of this year’s observance as “Not In Word, But In Deed.”
Rev. Henry Altman, pastor of Main Street United Methodist Church, welcomed everyone to the event.
Rev. James Smith, pastor of East Dillon Baptist Church, prayed for the nation. Rev. Smith said we need renewal and prayer in our nation.
Rev. Anthony Alford, pastor of the Marion Parish (Bethel, Pleasant Grove, and Springfield United Methodist Churches), prayed for the schools.
Rick McMahan made some comments. This was followed by his wife, Katrina McMahan of Emmanuelville Holiness Church, who sang an appropriate and meaningful musical selection.
Michael Sapp gave the prayer for our medical providers.
Rev. Steven Tyler of Sardis Baptist Church prayed about the value of human life. He said we live in a time when people place little value on human life.
Rev. Rickey Stuckey, pastor of the Dillon Parish (St. Stephen’s, St. Luke, and Beulah United Methodist Churches), sang “Yes, Jesus Loves Me.”
Rev. Jamie Arnette of Dillon First Baptist Church prayed for peace and the cessation of violence. Rev. Arnette said if the world could get the simple truth of “Jesus Loves Me” that the world would be a different place. He said until the world knows the Prince of Peace that there could be no peace.
Rev. Ron Taylor, Director of the Pee Dee Baptist Association, prayed for spiritual growth and unity. He said he hoped all would pray for the unity of the churches and the Christian people.
Overseer Joseph Graham of New Memorial Temple Church gave thanks to God. He also blessed the meal.
After the service, those in attendance were given lunches of hot dogs, chips, and a bottle of water served by Reaching Out For Jesus Ministries and the Dillon County Ministerial Alliance. Pyerian Baptist Church provided the sound system.
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