
Anthurium is derived from the Greek words “anothos” and “oura” meaning flower and tail. The Aurum family is characterized by an inflorescence of spathe and spadix. The colorful spathe is a modified leaf and the spadix is a stalk of densely packed flowers. The Greek word “oura” refers to the spadix since it has a tail-like appearance. Anthuriums are traditionally pink or red, but also come in shades of bright red, pure white, salmon, pink, and a combination of white, pink, and green.
Anthuriums are a very easy indoor plant to take care of. Provide bright, but indirect light for maximum flower production. Water plants thoroughly, but allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Very little, if any fertilizer is required. Anthuriums are tropical plants that grow as epiphytes and they prefer a coarse and well-drained medium. A soilless potting mix of peat moss, pine bark, and perlite or cactus mix and orchid mix well work well. It is best to allow the root system to fill the container before transplanting.
If small children and pets are in your home, keep plants elevated and out of reach of curious hands and mouths. Anthurium is toxic to people and pets if ingested.
For more information on anthurium, please visit the Home and Garden Information Center website at Tune in on Tuesday nights to watch “Making it Grow” at 7pm on SCETV or Email Outen at
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