Father Time And Mother Nature: Indomitable And Unpredictable

In light of the recent natural catastrophes that occurred in Texas, Florida, Mexico, and the Caribbean, it set me to thinking about how finite and frail human beings are in spite of our technology, ingenuity, and many discoveries and breakthroughs in science that have been made over the last two hundred years.
These acts of God, as they are commonly called by the insurance companies, have reinforced in my mind that we are not in control, as some would have you to believe.
Now whether you believe that the cause of these hurricanes are man-made through global warming or of natural origin is not important to our column today.
These natural calamities afford me the opportunity to talk about the effect that Father Time and Mother Nature are playing, not only in these occurrences, but also in our individual lives.
By using these figurative terms, I am not endorsing a belief in deism or pantheism.
As a Christian, I fully embrace the belief that God is sovereign and in complete control of creation and all natural occurrences.
These symbolic terms are very appropriate and descriptive and they aid us in gaining a better understanding of the absolute sovereignty of God over all of His creation.
The Scriptures state that the heavens declare the glory of God and they, along with the earth, are the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1 and Hebrews 1:10-12).
With that being settled, we would do well to understand that Father Time and Mother Nature are indomitable and unpredictable forces that we cannot control, regardless of how hard we try.
Though it is a fact that we can, to a great degree, predict weather patterns and occurrences, it is beyond the scope of our intelligence and technology to master or manipulate it. The earth is experiencing the effect of Father Time and Mother Nature, as the earthquakes and erratic weather patterns affirm.
Whether you believe that these things are the result of global warming and man’s abusive and negligent oversight as the dominant species or merely natural occurrences, there is no denying that something is happening that may perhaps lead to more catastrophic earthquakes and weather patterns that will have a profound effect on all of us, regardless of where we live.
Finally, the older I get, I am having to accept the challenges and changes that both Father Time and Mother Nature is having on my life. There was a time when I was much younger, stronger, and full of cockiness and admittedly, conceit as well, when I felt almost unbeatable. However, that egotistical balloon that had me floating in the clouds has been punctured and deflated by Father Time and Mother Nature.
This old gray mule truly ain’t what he used to be. Though time and experience have made me much wiser over the years, my spirit is often ready and willing to take on many Herculean challenges, but my body just won’t cooperate.
Is there anyone out there, like me, who knows what I am talking about? Is there anyone out there like me who wanted to perform physically in certain areas like you use to when you were younger, but now find it quite difficult to get to first base?
Thank, God for precious memories and anecdotes that remind me of a bygone day, when I was younger and full of youthful energy and vitality. Perhaps nothing convinced me that Father Time and Mother Nature’s effect was really having a toll on me like an incident that I recently experienced with my son.
I had always teased him and demonstrated my superior strength compared to his since he was a young teenager. I would do this with a little father and son tussling. On this particular time, my son is in his early twenties and I being a member of the over-the-hill-gang squared off as before, but this time something was different.
The young man, whose height and weight was compatible to mine, was much stronger. I gave it all I had, my mind was in the right place, but my body and strength quickly gave place to his superior physical strength.

My son picked me up as if I was a ragdoll and shook me from side to side. In desperation, I shouted out, “Put me down, boy! Put me down!” With much laughter, that flowed from a face of youthful pride and the besting of his father, he gently and respectfully put me down. Needless to say that ended our father and son tussling as we both realized that the tables had turned to his advantage.
Father Time and Mother Nature taught me a lesson that day I will never forget. Regardless of how reluctant I am to admit it, I am not the man (physically) I use to be.
Sure I can talk the talk and try to bluff the youngsters, like I still got it and I will even challenge them to a basketball game of one on one.
However, when they press the issue, I quickly retract my challenge and retreat to my rightful place and state of mind and age. With no loss of pride, Father Time and Mother Nature always welcome me back in.

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