Letters To Santa Due On Wednesday, December 14th

Letters To Santa are now being accepted and are due no later than Wednesday, December 14, by 5 p.m. The cost to place a letter without a photo is $3.00 per child, and the cost for a letter with a photo is $5.00 per child.
For example, if the letter with a photo is from one child, the cost is $5. If the letter is from two children, the cost is $10 and so on.
Letters may be sent to The Dillon Herald, P.O. Drawer 1288, Dillon, S.C. 29536 or brought by our office at 505 Highway 301 North, Dillon (beside Bojangle’s).
Schools or daycares may submit letters from their classes; however, schools or daycares who submit letters from their students are responsible for obtaining parental permission and are responsible for the content of the letter. The fee still applies.
Letters should not contain references to the deceased or have a P.S. (postscript) at the end. Postscripts will be deleted along with other references that are not allowed. We do not accept letters from adults or pets.
Please be sure to include your child’s first and last name, age, and hometown in the letter. 
We reserve the right to edit letters or to refuse to print letters and/or photos.
We will not be responsible for late or misdirected mail or for lost or misplaced photos.
Submitted photos should be of the child or children only. The child/children will be the only part of the photo printed. Photos with Santa are discouraged. Individual head shots of children work best and are strongly encouraged as they will print best.
Photos may be picked up after they appear or they will be mailed back if you provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
This will be a keepsake for you and your child for years to come.

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