District Four Participating In Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Program

Dillon School District Four’s Office of Food Services is participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program at South Elementary School and Gordon Elementary School.  
The goals of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) are to create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices; expand the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience; increase children’s fruit and vegetable consumption and make a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future health.
Dillon District Four’s Office of Food Services participates in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program because it provides a healthy and nutritious snack to the students twice a week.  
The students are receiving fresh fruits and vegetables that they may not necessarily get the opportunity to eat such as jicama, mango, pineapple, and kiwi among other out of the ordinary food items.
This summer, some of the Office of Food Services staff and cafeteria managers attended a culinary boot camp with Chef Chuck Asher.  Among the topics covered were proper culinary technique, mis en place (organization), knife skills, garnishing, following recipes, and equipment care.  Among those attending were Missy Moody, Patsy King, Maria Shelley, Joyce Jackson, Nikki Shelley, and Leigh Ann Page. These staff members brought their knowledge back and taught it to other food service employees.
Students in Mrs. Patricia McRae’s fourth grade class had a garnishing demonstration where they got to see first hand how some of the garnishes are made.
Everything being done is to make the food more attractive and more appealing to the students and put them on the path to healthy eating.

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