Latta School Board Meets

The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Administrative Conference Room. 
Trustees present were Kyle Berry, Ray George, Vanessa Harrison, Linda James, Stuart Poston, and Eleanor Powers. JoAnn Williamson was absent.
Kyle Berry welcomed all present and Dr. Kirby opened with prayer.
There being no corrections or additions to the June 14, 2016 minutes, Chair Berry ruled that they stand approved. A motion to approve the current agenda was made by Eleanor Powers and seconded by Linda James. Vote was unanimous.
Ray George made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a parent appeal of the out of district tuition fee. Stuart Poston seconded the motion.
Donna Taylor presented the status report for April 2016 and May 2016 on the General Fund budget. 
George Liebenrood gave an update on the C.A.T.E. Funding Plan.
Larry Legette updated the Board on the hazardous bus route charges.
Dr. Kirby gave an update on minority recruitment, physical plan improvements and district goals.
Eleanor Powers updated the Board on the preliminary Ellis Performing Arts Center schedule.
Upon Dr. Kirby’s recommendation, a motion to approve the hiring of Karen Allen, Shannon Hargrove, Melanie Herring, Amber Jordan, Katie McDaniel, Courtney Page, Jessica Page, Tramaine Spears, and Joy Williamson was made by Eleanor Powers and seconded by Vanessa Harrison. Vote was unanimous.
Ray George made a motion to uphold the Latta School Board’s previous ruling to not waive the tuition fee for a parent waiver request. Vanessa Harrison seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Eleanor Powers and seconded by Linda James. 

(Taken from the Latta School Board minutes. Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s regular monthly meeting.)

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