Local Man Expresses Dislike Of Column. Editorial Choices

Dear Editor:
I recently started receiving The Dillon Herald as part of your Facebook® promotion. I have read the paper and enjoyed keeping current with local news and stories of interest to the people of Dillon County. The paper does a great job of keeping people informed and of highlighting achievements of local citizens.
I was leaning towards subscribing to the paper. However, after reading yet another homophobic screed by your guest columnist Michael Goings, I will not be subscribing.
In the latest edition of The Dillon Herald, Goings penned a column entitled “Comments On the Massacre in Orlando.” While doing his best to claim he felt the mass shooting was a tragedy, he could not help himself but to blame the victims for what happened to them.
This is not only false logic; it is plain idiocy on the part of Goings. I certainly respect Goings right to be a bigot and an idiot and to express hateful, un-Christian, an un-American views. Indeed, I respect his right to publicly express those ghastly opinions.
However, the Editor of The Dillon Herald is responsible for making the editorial choices in the content of their paper, especially when it comes to opinion pieces. By choosing to repeatedly publish Goings’ homophobic tirades the Editor is giving a platform to hate, which should not be tolerated in this country.
You Editor, have a right to publish whatever content you want in your paper. I, however, have a right not to support it and definitely not to pay for it. I hope you will take a long look at what you have been publishing and reconsider your affiliation with purveyors of intolerance and bigotry like Michael Goings.
Wil Brown
230 E. Bamberg Street
Latta, SC 29565

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