Latta Town Council Minutes: February 2016

Taken from the minutes
from the Latta Town
Council meeting
The Latta Town Council held a regular meeting at 7:00 on Thursday, February 11, 2016.  The following were present:  Councilmen Taylor, Herring, Mason, Bethea, and Reaves.  Councilman Drawhorn and Mayor Bullard were not in attendance.  Mayor Pro-Tem Mason called the meeting to order, led the Pledge of Allegiance and offered the prayer.
Minutes from Regular Council Meeting, January 14, 2016 were read and approved.  Councilman Herring made the motion and Councilman Reaves seconded it.  It was unanimously approved by roll call of the council.

Dr. David Moss
Explains that it was brought to his attention that the Town of Latta was interested in no longer adding fluoride into the town’s water system.  The following explains his five reasons why fluoride in water is good for the communities:  prevents tooth decay, protects all ages against cavities, safe and effective, saves money, and it’s natural.  For more information please refer to the Water Fluoridation packet that was handed to each council member.

Iratine Henry
Mrs. Henry and her son-in-law, Mr. Bobby Richardson, presented their complaints and also show the councilmen pictures of damage from the water system at her residence (225 Rice St., Latta).  The damaged items presented included a shower cap, coffee cups, and filters.  The pictures were of Mrs. Henry’s shower floor and toilet.  Mrs. Iratine Henry also stated that she made a visit to the dentist concerned about her tooth changing colors.  Mrs. Henry said the dentist told her it comes from iron water.

Clara Braxton
Mrs. Braxton owns the building on the left side of the post office.  She listed the six times in less than a year that she has had work done to the building due to water and sewer problems.  She has tenants on the same road who are renting out her apartment and have had the same problems.  It got so bad she had to put them up in a motel for 3 months.

Mike Hanna
Mike Hanna is the engineer for the Town of Latta.  He handed out a packet to all council members.  The packet contained a possible solution to fix the water and sewer problem for the town.  Please refer to packet for more information on Mr. Hanna’s presentation.
Councilman Taylor made a motion to move forward with Mr. Hanna’s suggestion on fixing the water and sewer system by August.  This motion was seconded by Councilman Bethea.  It was unanimously approved by roll call of the council.

Election Commission
Mr. Paul Gasque nominated Mr. Abbott Shelley to the election commission.  Mr. Abbott Shelley was elected to join the election commission.  Councilman Taylor motioned it and Councilman Reaves seconded it.  It was unanimously approved by roll call of the council.

Latta Revitalization
Nancy Brigman was not in attendance.

Elmore Bethea
Elmore Bethea was not in attendance.

Street Department
Mr. Miller reported that he and his department leaned ditches and cut trees around Academy Street.  He also stated that they helped the water department on a water leak.

Police Department
New police vehicle is in Hardeeville getting the finishing touches.  The Ford Explorer is coming up on 90,000 miles.  The transmission has begun to slip and it needs work.  The defroster has also been having problems.  Morrell’s gave an estimate of $670 for it to be fixed.  It was about the same price last time the work was done.

Municipal Court Report
Judge Janette Dupree was absent for this meeting.  Please see attached documents for the Municipal Courts Report.

Water Department
Mr. Hooks went to take a class in Bamberg, SC for two days.  No report for this meeting.

Recreation Department
In Mr. Miller’s absence, Councilman Herring read his report.  Mr. Miller’s report stated that he has 113 kids and 12 teams this basketball season.  Parents are concerned about practicing facilities for these teams.

Councilman Taylor
Councilman Taylor began by presenting Council with the idea of someone from Cost Effectiveness Analysis wanting to come in and analyze each employee for efficiency, at the price of $2800.  Council agreed to wait to a later date.  Councilman Taylor expressed his thoughts on a conflict of interest that was occurring in the Recreation Department.  This particular individual works for the department that he also supervises.  Mr. Ashley, Director of the Recreation Department, says that he puts up a schedule sheet for each referee to write their names beside which games they would like to work.  The person council is concerned about just shows up and says put him in.  Councilman Taylor also brought up an issue with the community center.  An individual broke the contract and requested to be put on the agenda for his side of the story to be heard in representation of his daughter.  This individual did not show up.

Councilman Herring
No Report

Councilman Reaves
No Report

Councilman Bethea
No Report

Councilman Mason
No Report

Who so ever will?
No comments were made.

Meeting adjourned.

Special Session of the Latta Town Council—February 25, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a Special session on February 25, 2016. The following council members was present: Councilman Bethea, Reaves, Mason, Drawhorn, Herring, and Administrator Taylor. Council member not present: Earl Bullard. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.

Resolution for Support
Where as the Town of Latta is committed to maintaining the quality of life in are community and recognize that the Viking Green Way will contribute to our quality of life by providing a valuable recreation amenity and where as the Viking Green Way is the first trail project that will eventually connect and become part of a larger community system pass ways and the trail is designed with sustainability in mind utilizing the best practices from around the country and whereas the trail will pervade a safe space for are citizens to walk, bike, exercise, play, and connect with nature through active healthy living. Trails have significant impact on are economic liability of are community through increase levels of tourism. The trail will be a friendly accessible community asset offering opportunity for recreation to everyone no matter their age, ability level, or economy status. Fund raising and private sponsorship will be funding to finance the Viking Green Way and any private funding will be used to leverage public funding for federal, state, and vary sources. The Town of Latta supports the Latta Green Way and is committed to working and partnership with Latta schools on this vital community project.
Motion was made by Councilman Herring and Seconded by Councilman Taylor. It was unanimously approved by roll call of council.
Councilman Taylor will sign as Administrator and Councilman Bethea will forward it to Latta School.
Meeting was adjourned.

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