Lake View Town Council Minutes-October

Town of Lake View Council Meeting
October 17, 2015
Council Chambers
7:00 p.m.

Mayor Boston Page, Jr.
Present: Council Members: Layton Townsend, Matthew Elvington, and Mertis Barnett
Also Present: Sara Elvington – Clerk/Treasurer, Kenny & Penny Hayes and Julie Hatcher.
Mayor Page opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and asked Council Member Layton Townsend to begin with prayer. It is noted for the record that all members of council were present except David Johnson, making a quorum.
1. Mayor and council reviewed the minutes from September 17, 2015 meeting. Council member Matthew Elvington made a motion to accept and Council member Mertis Barnett seconded the motion and all were if favor.
2. Mayor Page opened the floor to Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Hayes and Mrs. Julie Hatcher. After much discussion about the walking track, possibility of restrooms being added and their placement. Mayor and council assured them there had been no decisions on even having bathrooms installed at this point and especially not where they would be positioned if the time ever came to have them installed. Mrs. Hatcher reiterated her initial design of the walking track, placement of items and brought her initial design for everyone to see.  Mayor, council and visitors talked further about the hope of keeping the area clean. Mayor and council have come up with some ways to help keep cars and golf carts off the walking track
3. Lake View Fire Department: No member was here. Mayor reminded council about ???(blurry) Williams Fire Equip and Services had worked on fire engine #1 and the cost of getting him back to work on fire engine #2 if council agreed. After careful consideration and deliberation on the cost effectiveness, it was a unanimous decision to have them come to us rather than take a chance driving the truck to Monroe, NC.
4. Lawrence Suggs wants Mayor and Council to look into the adjacent land to his back yard for the possibility of him getting a building.
Council member Matthew Elvington removed himself from the discussion as to conflict of interest/family relation.
5. Mr. Hatcher needs a write up from town on the use of the Rescue building.
6. Mayor and council had come to an agreement of the phone lines and electrical wiring updated needed and a contact will be made.
7. Mayor and Council agreed upon a meeting with Tonny McNeil, Economic Development Director for Dillon County for Thursday at 7:00 p.m., closed session.
8. Mayor and council discussed the upcoming events: Taste of Dillon, Oct. 29th, Halloween Oct. 31st from 6:00 – 8:00, Fall Concert at Community Center Nov. 21st, and Lighting of the Christmas tree on the Blvd. as well as the Christmas Parade on Dec. 5th.
Meeting was adjourned.

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