Thieves Beware

© by James W. Bryant Tuesday, 08-25-2015
Here in Dillon, SC maybe we should be posting warnings to these criminals whom are breaking in our vehicles and into our homes instead of solely informing our citizens to be locking their car doors at night. I am angry over yet another incident last evening of an elderly man being beaten and left for dead, robbed right here in our own community. I visited him today in the hospital and he was bruised all over, shaded in black, blue and purple. With his bloodshot eyes I noticed him merely weeping through with unbelief of what just happened to him, just pitiful. What kind of sick, sinful, low-life of a human being beats up such a sweet elderly man for a few dollars and leaves him to die! Pure evil! Pure evil!
It is only a matter of time however before the wheels are going to be turned around. I’ve a feeling that one of these next times it will be the thief, not the homeowner, who suffers swift, severe, and possible life threatening punishment. So far these criminals have been blessed not to have crossed the wrong home at the wrong time, or maybe I should say the right home and at the right time. I would like to post notice on these criminals, whomever they are, that if nobody else has seen you yet, God has. God almighty is keeping a record and you be sure, he will even the score! Pay-day is coming!
Now, we sincerely appreciate the efforts of all our city and county law enforcement departments. They are indeed doing all that they can and for our community to help to protect and serve us. We love and support them, strongly. But I would like to suggest a possible addition to the recent video postings that I have seen them addressing the need to lock doors to our homeowners and those whom own autos. I would like for such videos to address the criminals of our community, not just the possible victims. Perhaps in addition to warning our law abiding citizens we should also be showing these criminals a courtesy. As this evil of theft continues on week after week after week here in our community, I don’t believe they are giving thought to their possible outcome. Perhaps any past experiences of consequences has been small and didn’t slow them down. However, the very next encounter of consequence just may be much steeper. I think these criminals should consider their safety and just what a great tragedy that could in fact be coming their way. I declare this message simply because I am concerned about all lives, all lives matter. Honest citizens abiding by the laws of both God and man, and too I have a concern for those whom are doing such evils and wickedness as stated. So help me help everyone, get this message out about not only our safety, but too, the safety of these thieves.
I am not a gambling man, but I have been known to notice that eventually the scales have a way of balancing back out. With all of the crimes going on in our community it is only a matter of time, in fact its past due for justice. Eventually, one way or the other, these criminals will get hit back. God have mercy on their souls when they do. “Thieves Beware.”

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