Got drugs? Not in the Pee Dee Region! On Saturday, June 20th  citizens of Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion and Marlboro counties turned in over 1100 pounds of unused/expired medications to be safely destroyed by Law Enforcement!
Braving the relentless heat, the Dillon Sheriff’s Department, Lake View Police Department, Latta Police Department, Rural Area Leadership Institute – Dillon, and Fork Baptist Church Youth were on hand to accept residents’ drugs and provide information about their proper disposal. Don’t flush medicines down the toilet!
This prevents them from entering the water supply or causing harm to a loved one by being taken accidentally.
By working together across the Pee Dee Region we have made a bigger impact than just one county could do on its own but Dillon County citizens can expect another Drug Take Back Day when the weather is cooler!
This event was sponsored by the Pee Dee Regional Coordinating Council, local Law Enforcement, Trinity Behavioral Care, Rural Area Leadership Institute – Dillon and local and national Pharmacies.  

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