City Approves Accommodation Tax Recommendations

By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon City Council approved the Accommodation Tax Committee recommendations at their regular June meeting.
City Manager Glen Wagner said they had $36,383.41 in the account to be used to promote tourism at the local level.
The following requests were made:
—Dillon County Theatre-$20,000
—Pee Dee Tourism-$10,000
—City of Dillon Recreation-$10,500
The board recommended the following:
—Dillon County Theatre-$15,383.41
—Pee Dee Tourism-$10,000
—City of Dillon Recreation-$10,500
Wagner said the same three entities apply year in and year out.
The motion to approve the recommendations was made by Councilman John Braddy and seconded by Councilman Phil Wallace. The motion was approved.

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