We, The People On Healthcare

To The Editor:
The GOP-led House of Representatives has proudly achieved a historic legislative record.  A record in futility, that is, also in absurdity.  In February, for the 55th time, they focused the entire array of brain cells in their 245-member majority on an effort that would directly harm millions of Americans, namely the repeal of Obamacare.  Yes, the Nincompoop Caucus has now wasted congress’ time and credibility by voting not once, not 10 or 20 times, but 55 times to take away even the minimal level of health coverage for previously uninsured people.
But wait…it’s possible that I misstated that number.  It seems that House Speaker John Boehner’s team has been so overcome by its passion for eliminating health care that they lost track of how deeply they’ve disappeared into the woods of right-wing Fantasyland.  A recount reveals that instead of taking 55 wild potshots at the program, they’ve actually held 68 votes on it.
Meanwhile, the Obamacare program that the Boehner Bunch is working so feverishly to kill (even though it’s modeled directly on programs previously introduced by such Republican stalwarts as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich), turns out to be working better than anyone – even its proponents – thought it would.  And to the tooth-grinding dismay of the kill-Obamacare crowd, Americans like it!  Nay-saying congress critters had scoffed from the start that no one would buy into the program, but on the deadline day for this year’s sign-up (which came only two weeks after the house’s 68th vote for repeal) a record number of people joined.  That means 11.7 million Americans who had no coverage now do.
Did I mention that the lawmakers who are trying so furiously to eliminate coverage for those people enjoy government paid coverage for themselves?
Average Amerian
John T. Nickoless
Old Burnt Factory Road
Bennettsville, SC

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