County Council Budget Talks Get Heated

By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Council held the first reading of an ordinance to provide for the 2015-2016 fiscal year budget at their meeting on Wednesday, and the discussion about the matter became rather heated.
Dillon County Council Chairman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr. read the agenda item, “First Reading—Ordinance To Provide For The 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Budget.” He called for a motion as is the procedure. The motion was made by Councilman Bobby Moody and seconded by Councilman Stevie Grice.
Councilman Archie Scott then moved for discussion. He asked the County Administrator Clay Young if this was the proposed budget or the actual budget.
Young said this was basically what had been done in previous years—that the budget is done by title only to get the budget process started and that the council will have the opportunity to revise it.
Scott said that he understood that, but he did have a problem with the language of the agenda where it said budget. “Is it a proposed budget or the budget ordinance?,” questioned Scott. He said it needed to be changed to say what it is.
Young said it was the actual budget but a proposed version.
Finklea said this is the first reading. He said they would have two more reading and have some full council workshops so everyone would have it clear in their minds what was in the budget before they voted on the second reading and especially before the third reading. He said everyone will know what is in the budget.
Scott asked, “Mr. Chairman, may I finish with Mr. Young?”
Scott said he appreciated what the Chairman was saying and that was the right way to go about it, but in this case it is already being voted on and he had not had the chance to look over it. He said there were some things that he certainly had concerns about including how they came up with cutting the employee bonuses.
Young said all this was was to balance the budget. He said basically they are approving last year’s budget. Scott said that last year, they didn’t cut the employees bonuses. Young said until the budget it final nothing is cut or added. Scott said he understood what he was saying, the language, and the steps.
Young said if they wanted to delay the reading that it was fine and that was strictly up to council. He said if they didn’t want to pass it as proposed that they could change or modify it.
Scott said, “My only problem, Mr. Young, is with your language. Is it a proposed budget or a budget. One minute you’re saying it’s the budget. They next minute you’re saying it’s the proposed  budget.”
Young said it was the proposed budget.
Scott asked Young to tell him what had changed in the budget to cut employee bonuses. “That’s all I’m asking for,” said Scott.
Young said there were lots of cuts. All he did was balance the budget at the time. He said every year they pass the budget by title only, and he didn’t see what has changed since last year.
Finklea then said, “we’ve had the discussion.” Councilman Robbie Coward said he would like to say something. Coward said once they pass it they are one step closer and only have two readings to think about it and change it.
Young said yes. They would have two readings and about eight weeks to basically change it.
Coward said that no councilman except for the budget committee had had it on their lap until Monday and that it had a lot of mix-ups in it. He asked why they couldn’t hold off on it until they looked at it more.
Finklea said because they needed to get the first reading done. Young said it takes three readings and a public hearing to pass it.
Finklea said there had been discussion and called for a motion.
Scott said, “Mr. Chairman, the only thing I’m saying is that we have got to be able to talk this stuff out.” Coward chimed in “yeah.” Scott continued, “Because if we can’t talk it out there’s no need to vote.”
Finklea said there was no reason they could not have the first reading because it really didn’t mean anything because they have to more months to study it and change it.
Scott said that he thought the language itself should be clearer on whether it was a budget reading or a proposed budget reading. “That’s the only confusion I’ve got here,” he said.
Grice asked the chairman when he was thinking about having a workshop. Finklea said before the second reading.
Councilman Harold Moody said they could change the budget up to the day of the third reading. “If we can’t get it done in eight weeks,” said Moody, “Then we need to go home guys.”
Scott asked why they didn’t table it until the following week and have a full budget workshop.
Finklea called the meeting back to order and then asked if they had a motion. B. Moody made a motion to approve the first reading seconded by H. Moody. The vote was 4-3 with H. Moody, Grice, Finklea, and B. Moody voting to approve the first reading, and Randy Goings, Scott, and Coward voting against the first reading.
“Make sure you put me down as opposed,” said Coward. “We’re spending taxpayer dollars as Chairman Finklea says. We go to do what’s right.”
B. Moody commented that the budget was not written in stone just because they have the first reading.
Coward said yes, but the county administrator had told him Monday that his plan was to give all the county employees $200 instead of $700.
“I never said that,” said County Administrator Clay Young.
“Yes, you did,” Coward said.
“I never said that,” Young said again.
“Clay, Clay, you not tell me that?,” said Coward.
“Clay, you’re telling a damn lie,” said Coward.
This was met by the pounding of the gavel by Finklea. “We’re not going to have that kind of talk in this thing,” said Finklea. “We’re not having it.”
“I’m a grown man just like you is, Buzzy. You remember that,” said Coward. “I’ll remember that,” Finklea said.
“You’re only the chairman,” said Coward.
“We’re not having that as long as I’m the chairman,” said Finklea. “I’ve got to have control of this meeting.”
“When he sits there and told me that he didn’t tell me that then I’m going to tell him different and I’m going to tell you different. We’re all grown,” said Coward. “He sat right there and told me,” said Coward
“Okay,” said Finklea.
H. Moody asked the chairman if he could make a comment. He said that everyone knew with the budget that passed last year that they had spend more than they took in and went into their surplus. He said they need to cut $300,000-$500,0000. He said they have to have more money or cut spending, and they had eight weeks to balance the budget.
Coward said that there are ways to balance the budget. He said they don’t have the Harbor Freight payment anymore…$700,000 in infrastructure, and that Mr. Dubose’s (county attorney) law firm got $13,000 besides his pay last month. He said if they sit there and let this go on they were in trouble.
Scott then made a comment. “All I’m saying, Mr. Chairman, and I’ll quit is that we just need honesty…that’s all.”
Coward said, “that’s all we need.”
Scott said, “If we get honesty and everybody is at the table and everybody knows what is going on then certainly there is no room for confusion.”
Finklea said, “I guarantee everybody is going to know what is in the budget before the third reading.”
“Thank you, Mr. Chairman,” Scott said.

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