Dillon Social News Needed

DILLON AREA SOCIAL NEWS NEEDED! If you are a resident or former resident of the Dillon area, we want your social news. Send your birthday parties or celebrations; anniversary parties, trips, or celebrations; brief club news; family and class reunions; day trips; baby showers; bridal showers, parties, and events; vacations or trips; new jobs;  out-of-town guests; special recognitions; participation in fun activities such as attending camp, hunting trips/gatherings, trips to sporting events, concerts, etc.; church activities such as trips, breakfasts/lunches, gatherings, family nights, etc.;  and other life events of interest.  If you have had a bridal shower recently or if you have any social news to report, please send a Facebook message, e-mail it to bf@thedillonherald.com or dillonherald@yahoo.com, fax it to me at 841-1930, or phone it in to 774-3311. We need your information by 10 a.m. on Tuesday. If you have a happening worth posting on Facebook, then it’s worth putting in our Dillon Socials column in The Dillon Herald.  We need your help to get items of interest for this column.

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