Reception Honors 100 Years Of Library Service

A reception honoring the 100 years of service of the Latta Library was held on Saturday, December 13th in the library’s meeting room.
Dillon County Library System Director Yolanda McCormick led the program. Several people made remarks. A plaque was presented to Joseph Griffin, a former chairman of the library board. Other plaques for those unable to attend will be delivered.
The Dillon County Library traces its beginnings to the establishment of the Latta Public Library in June 914. In 1911 Reverend W.C. Allen, pastor of the Baptist Church in Latta, began to agitate the matter of a public library for the town. The Town Council endorsed his efforts and a library association was formed and duly chartered. Through the efforts of the association a $5,000 grant was secured from the Carnegie Foundation (the last grant given by that foundation) for a library building on the condition that the town furnishes a lot in the center of town. The site had to be easily accessible from all sections of the community. Mr. Carl F. Bass donated a lot, located on the northwest end of Main Street, where the library was constructed. The maintenance fund of $500 was guaranteed by placing a one-mill tax on all property in the Latta School District.
The structure has only been renovated twice in its history. The first time was in 1936. During the Depression, the WPA Library Project provided additional personnel, binding and book repair, and added a large annex to the building. Then in 1955 the library underwent another update at which time the north wing was added to the building and the heating and air conditioning system were installed. Mr. H. A. Bethea was elected chairman of the Latta Library Board and was later honored by being selected the first chairman of the South Carolina State Library Board. The first years of the library saw a succession of librarians. Mrs. T.C. McGee in 1915 was the first, then Mrs. Lola Sessions (1917), Mrs. Ada Edwards (1918), and finally Mrs. Wessie Braddy. Mrs. Braddy served as librarian from 1921 to 1930. Mrs. C.E. (Mary Bell Manning) Bethea took command in 1930 and retired in 1972 after forty two years as director of the library. At that time the South Carolina State Library offered a special project to the Dillon County Library which would enable it to employ a professional librarian for the first time. The board accepted the offer and in June the new librarian, Ms. Janice E. Pepper, reported for duty.
The current members of the Dillon County Library Board are: Tommy Stephens – Chairman, Carolyn Lupo, Betty Jean Aston, Helen Moody, Levan Mitchell, Gayle Coleman, Don Lewis, and Shirley Jolley.
The librarians for the Dillon County Library System are: Yolanda McCormick – Director, Christina H. Fowler – Dillon Branch Manager, Callie Turner – Dillon Branch Manager Assistant, Felicia Hayes – Bookmobile Manager, Ida Williams – Bookmobile Assistant, Mavis Jones – Children’s Librarian, Vanessa Bildon – Latta Branch Manager, Dixie Weatherly – Latta Branch Manager Assistant, Mertis Barnett – Lake View Branch Manager.
After the program, tours of the library were available. Many remarked on the specially decorated Christmas tree. Many also enjoyed refreshments.

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