Understanding Your Soil Test Report

Your soil analysis report will give the pH value, soil nutrient values, and a bar graph representing the level of some of the soil nutrients found in your soil.  
The report will tell you how much lime is needed to raise the pH to the appropriate value, and it will give you specific information regarding how much fertilizer you need and how to apply it.  The recommendations are specific for the type of plant/crop you listed on the submission form when you submitted the sample(s).  Soil pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline your soil is; soil pH directly affects nutrient availability. Nutrients for healthy plant growth are divided into three categories: primary, secondary and micronutrients.   Most secondary and micronutrient deficiencies are easily corrected by keeping the soil at the optimum pH value.  The soil test rating levels for these nutrients (except for Nitrogen) are Low, Medium, Sufficient, or Excessive.  
Nitrogen testing is not recommended because the levels of available nitrogen are variable due to its mobility in the soil.

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