Some Say The Republicans Will Lose Its Bet Against Obamacare

To The Editor:
From all indications the Republican has gambled all the marbles on the proposition that Obamacare will sink Democratic candidates this Fall. But the odds are good, they have made a losing bet. In fact, it’s looking more and more like Obamacare may even be a net positive for Democrats this November. Of course one reason why GOP are banking so heavily on the toxicity of Obamacare is that they really don’t have much else to fall back on. The popularity of GOP in Congress is at an all time low. And Democrats have the high political ground on just about every other major issue.
Raising the minimum wage is enormously popular with a public that is sick of stagnant wages while GOP Wall Street bankers continue to rake in record bonsuses.
The GOP anti-woman, anti-gay outbursts make them look like an artifact of another era to young people and swing voters. Overwhelming majorities favor immigration reform that the Republican leadership has single-handedly blocked in the House. Americans completely disagree with GOP “climate denier” who don’t believe in science and are tied at the hip to Big Oil.
Over 80% of the population agrees with Democrats that it’s time to perform background check of 100% of gun sales in the United States – but the GOP put up a stone wall to common sense gun violence legislation after the massacre at Sandy Hook. Most American reacted with revulsion to the GOP shutdown of government last Fall.
So it’s no wonder that Republicans have pinned all of their hopes for the mid-terms on the proposition that the botched Obamacare rollout would sour the public on the signal accomplishment of President Obama First Term. But once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of history.
As a political matter, it is to mobilize them to achieve some yet unrealized goal. Republicans use that fact to great advantage as they frightened people that the Affordable Care Act would “take away” their health insurance or force them to abandon trusted medical care providers.
Their problem is that this same fact of human nature has begun to work for the Affordable Care Act as more and more Americans have begun to experience the law’s benefits and don’t want to see the GOP take those benefits away. Unfortunately for the GOP the Affordable Care Act is working.
Average American,
John T. Nickoless
951 Burnt Factory Road
Bennettsville, SC 29512

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