Humane Society Celebrates First Anniversary

By Mary McDaniel,
Humane Society of Dillon County Volunteer

At the April meeting of the Humane Society of Dillon County, members decided to hold a First Anniversary Celebration. All citizens of Dillon County who care about improving the lives of the homeless animals of our county are invited to join Humane Society members for an Anniversary Reception on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at 6:30 PM in the Meeting Room of the Dillon Wellness Center. During this time members and guests will enjoy refreshments, raffle door prizes, and discuss ideas for the organization. The regularly-scheduled meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.
Members of the Humane Society of Dillon County want to inform the community of their many successes during the past year. A separate cat building was purchased and installed at the Dillon County Animal Shelter. A very successful spay/neuter project was organized. This is the original purpose of the founding of the Humane Society of Dillon County. Only by widespread spaying/neutering can the tremendous problem of over-population of homeless animals be alleviated. The Humane Society of Dillon County also underwrites older dog adoptions at the Dillon County Animal Shelter. This enables many dogs over six months old to find loving homes.
The most amazing work of the Humane Society of Dillon County is done by its devoted volunteers. Members foster animals in order to provide a peaceful, loving environment for Shelter dogs, and this enables them to become more adoptable. Others visit the Dillon County Animal Shelter, walk the dogs, clean the cat cages, photograph the animals and publicize their needs. Several others use their vast knowledge of the workings of the Dillon Shelter and of rescue organizations to network possible adoptions and then oftentimes transport the animals to those groups.
Some members also provide transport for animals to rescue or adoption sites. There are countless members  who share photographs and requests for materials on Facebook, as well as several out-of-county benefactors who are very, very generous.
Everyone should be aware that while volunteer work is important at the actual Shelter site, there are also volunteers who assist at yard sales, money-raising events, write thank-you notes, and provide support to the organization in a multitude of ways.
All citizens are invited to attend the Humane Society of Dillon County First Anniversary Celebration on Tuesday, May 20 to learn about all of the on-going projects, enjoy a night of food and fellowship, as well as hopefully join this worthwhile organization.

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