Letter: Citizens Of Latta Suffering Consequences

To The Editor:
In 1997, when Mr. Bullard was on council, he led a majority of council in an effort to change our form of government from  Mayor – Council to the Council – Mayor form of government. In the December election of ‘97, he, along with another proponent of changing the form of government, were defeated. Now Mr. Bullard has been proven to have been correct in 1997!
Personally, Mr. Bullard is a fine man, however micromanagement in the government sector does not work. We lost the best Recreational Director we have had because of his micromanagement and now we have the current controversy with the police department. Politics needs to stay out of law enforcement.
Unfortunately what we have, in my opinion, is a glorified urinary accuracy contest with Mr. Bullard being the only contestant and the citizens of Latta suffering the consequences.
Gerry Fleming, Latta, SC

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