RALI-DC Identifying Health Concerns In Dillon County

Submitted To The Herald
The Rural Area Leadership Institute of Dillon County (RALI-DC) has been involved in the Healthy South Carolina Initiative to help identify health concerns in our local communities and find ways to address them. We have created an online website (www. RALIDC.com) for citizens to find out more information.
Currently, we are asking for citizens and active participants in the Dillon County community to send us good photos, (Dillon County’s best and Dillon County’s worst) of the things that are prohibiting us and our communities from being as healthy as possible.
The photos can be sent to the email dccommunitydevelopment@gmail.com and can be taken from any type of mobile device or camera. Please include the location and date in the attachment. All submissions will be anonymous and the photos will only be used to help us see our community from those who see them first hand, the citizens.
We would also like for all citizens to participate in this initiative by taking our online assessment and/or sending photos to our website. Remember our assessment can be taken online from a computer or any type of mobile device at www.RALIDC.com and takes less than five minutes to complete. RALI-DC would like to thank all citizens of Dillon County who are helping us reach this goal.

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