Oak Grove Neighborhood Watch Donates AED To Station 9

Some time back the Oak Grove Neighborhood Watch asked Station Nine Chief Larry Cox what they needed that maybe the group could help with.
His reply was an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) since the one they had quit working.
This was presented to the organization’s membership, and everyone agreed that this was a good idea.
“This goes to show what can happen when good people come together,” said Larry Lane, President, Oak Grove Neighborhood Watch.
The donors who supported their Christmas dinner for the community were told that if any monies were left over that  they  wanted to do this for  the fire department and the community.  It has now become a reality.
“I would like to say thank you to our dedicated firefighters, first responders and members of the Oak Grove Neighborhood Watch. You all do a great job, and I am proud of you,” said Lane.

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