‘Winter’s Grace’ To Be Presented At Main Street UMC On Dec. 15

By Bob Braddy
“Winter’s Grace,” a service of Scripture, Lessons, and Carols will be presented by The Charles Wesley Choir of Main Street United Methodist Church in Dillon on Sunday, December 15 at 7 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend.
The Sara Allen Handbell Choir will open the program with new arrangements of “I Saw Three Ships” and “Hark the Herald, Angels Sing.”
Following will be The Charles Wesley Choir with their presentation of Joseph Martin’s cantata “Winter’s Grace.” This incredibly moving work celebrates the birth of Jesus with familiar arrangements of carols as well as touching readings and prayers.
Many locals will remember Joseph Martin when he came to the stage of the Dillon County Theatre for a piano concert, which showed him to be an outstanding pianist as well as a prolific and very popular composer. He also has a Dillon connection through his former piano teachers, Dillon native Jimmy Woodle and his wife Kitty. In his most recent CD “A Symphony of Carols” he includes a dedication to them “in thanksgiving for their friendship and inspiration through the years.”
On the inside cover of the CD binder the composer writes:
“Each year, as winter takes hold and covers our days with its silent wonder, we are called to reflection. As the shadows grow longer and the nights deepen, we gather in our chapels of faith seeking the comfort found in the assurance of God’s Word. Then Christmas comes sweeping into our fading hope with its jubilant glories and peaceful carols of love.
The darkened mangers of our hearts are transformed into cradles of light, and we surrender our doubts and fears for the shining joy of star-shine and angel-song.
And so in the bleak mid-winter we gather to worship at the cradle of the newborn King. We cast away our sin and sorrows. We put away life’s burdens and distractions. With our arms and hearts emptied of all earthly clutter, we can now freely reach for our gift and it reaches back to us. It is grace…and it is wrapped in a baby named Jesus.”
Inspired by Composer Martin’s writing, the artwork which accompanies this article and which will adorn the cover of the events program, was created by Reverend Bruce Sayre, Pastor of Main Street UMC.
The choir of “Winter’s Grace” will be directed by Shaw Thompson and accompanied by Robin Thompson, organist. Others accompanying will be Melle Sensibaugh, pianist, Kurt Slaughenhaupt, trumpet, and Roderick Brown, reeds.
Choir members include: Mickey Bell, Gerald Berry, Arlene Boyd, David Boyd, John Braddy, Nancy Clay, John Curtis, Linda Dean, Annie DeYoung, Glen Gourley, Elaine Green, Holly Jacobs, R.L. Kannaday, Julia A. McLaurin, Doug Newton, Joan Rogers, Ruth Rogers (emeritus), Jamie Sue Stephens, Rebecca Thompson, and Nell Vincent.
Narrators: Gerald Berry and Arlene Boyd.
The Sara Allen Handbell Choir: Annie DeYoung, Elaine Green, Chris Harris, Teresa Holder, Margaret Moody, Joan Rogers, Mae Samaha, Rebecca Thompson, Robin Thompson, and Shaw Thompson.
This service is dedicated to the glory of God and in memory of Mrs. Betty Wallace.

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