What A Wonderful Sight!

What A Wonderful Sight!

To The Editor:
While driving back from Florence to Dillon last week on I-95 I noticed something looked different as I drove onto the exit ramp to Hwy 34.  All the underbrush has been cleared from the interchange and the pine trees have been groomed. What a wonderful sight! Far to long the State has neglected both of the interchanges heading into the City of Dillon. Years back after hearing about the comments of a company executive concerning the neglect of the interchange off of Hwy. 9 the City decided we would try to gain control from the State in maintaining that intersection. We were successful in that attempt and today I can hardly remember just how bad that interchange use to look.
Not too long ago the I-95/Hwy 34 interchange was renamed for one of Dillon’s own, Federal Reserve  Chairman Dr. Ben Bernanke. I often wondered just what Dr. Bernanke would think about this honor and the terrible condition of that interchange. With the work that has been done and the completion of what remains to be done I think he would smile about the progress.  
This type of project takes more effort than many of us will ever know. It’s been an ongoing project that has taken years to even step foot on the site.  You can’t imagine the red tape and bureaucratic hurdles that had to be cleared.
I would personally like to thank the many people that had a role in seeing this project through. This is not something that gets done by only a few people! But I especially want to thank Dillon Council Councilmen Joe Johnson and Harold Moody for their persistence and not giving up. And for that we can now look at all our interchanges in Dillon County with a little more pride.
J. Todd Davis
Mayor-City of Dillon, SC

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